How to Keep Your Faith Strong | Today's the Best Day

Archive of ‘Faith’ category

The BEST of LDS General Conference April 2015

This Easter weekend, we have the great opportunity to hear from latter-day Prophets and Apostles! We are so excited and invite you to tune in on television or by clicking HERE to feel uplifted, find comfort and strengthen your love and faith within your family! We will be uploading the BEST quotes throughout the sessions – […] Read more…

How To Bring Jesus Into Your Home

A few weeks ago I sat my one-year-old in her high chair and put a plate of mac-n-cheese and watermelon in front of her. Those are her two most favorite foods in the world, so I assumed she would inhale it all by the time I even made myself a plate. 🙂 I buckled her […] Read more…

Be Kind To Everyone You Meet

This week we have been talking about happiness and finding a way to be happy RIGHT where we are. But yesterday, I learned something about true happiness. I shared the article Habits of a Happy Woman, that listed 10 things that we can do in our lives to find joy as ladies. BUT – what […] Read more…

If You’re Happy And You Know It

One of my favorite songs to sing with my one-year-old is If You’re Happy And You Know It! “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! If you’re happy and you know it, clap you’re hands! If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it! If you’re happy […] Read more…

Showing Love Through Words That We Speak

I feel like EVERYONE goes through that “awkward stage” in life. You know, those years of seeking and learning for yourself of who you are and what you would like to become. Those years of trials and heartache. For those of you that didn’t know me in Elementary School or Junior High, probably wouldn’t believe me if I […] Read more…

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