Inspiration for Strengthening Marriage | Today's the Best Day

Archive of ‘Marriage’ category

The Best Advice For A Happy Marriage

“Good Luck you two!” “Love each other forever!” “Kiss every single day!” “If you are going to fight… fight naked!” After I read that one, I started laughing. I was dusting our shelves when our sign-in book from our wedding fell off of it. I decided to open it up and glance through it for a […] Read more…

Retaining the Romance in Your Relationship

It’s the intent of many people to have a healthy, long-lasting relationship. One of the keys to a sustainable relationship is maintaining the mutual satisfaction of both partners and that can mean taking steps to ensure that the romance stays alive for the long haul. Here are a few fun and easy tips so that […] Read more…

I’m A Dad, Not A Babysitter

Ah, parenting. It is such a paradoxical experience. One moment, you want to smother your kids with kisses and the next….you count the seconds to bedtime. Photography by Brittany Busk Photography Just over two years ago my wife and I were blessed with a little miracle into our family. From the moment I saw my […] Read more…

6 Pillars to Nurturing Your Marriage

Hey there. Aaron & April (from Nurturing Marriage) here. We are so happy to be guest posting for Todays the Best Day. We love Danielle, and love how she is helping moms everywhere to make every day the best day. We are two happily married people, constantly working to nurture our marriage and take care […] Read more…

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