Archive of ‘My Story’ category

Shining Moments Challenge – December

At Today’s The Best Day, every month we have a different focus for the month and in December our focus is: Be The Light By Focusing on Reflection and Celebration! This challenge is an opportunity for each of us to focus on the incredible things we have accomplished this year, so we can enter into […] Read more…

A Letter To My Bestie Squad

I was always told in order to be a “successful influencer/blogger” that I needed to be an “EXPERT” at something. You know – like an expert DIY-er. Or fashion police. Or budgeter. Or hairstylist. Or makeup artist. Or mom. Or wife. Or chef. Or athlete. Because people want to follow people that will teach them […] Read more…

If Not Now, When?

Have you ever heard yourself say: “When I get pregnant… I will be happy.” “When I get this baby OUT of me… I WILL be happy!” “When my baby sleeps through the night…I will be soooo happy!” “When this kid finally goes to school all day…I will be SO happy!” “When it’s Summer and I […] Read more…

30 Truths About Marriage

The football field was lit up by a pathway of candles, leading the way to a picnic set up underneath the goal post. There were two chairs, a table, a dozen roses, a guitar, yummy food and most importantly…him. The 21-year-old boy of my dreams was standing there. I couldn’t help but smile from ear […] Read more…

Mercies In Disguise

As I am getting older and am having more experiences in life, I have learned that each of us have trials. I am not sure if it is because of Social Media that we hear of hard times in people’s lives more often these days or if there really are just more sad and hard […] Read more…


We are excited to announce that beginning March 1st, we will be selling ad space for your companies and blogs here on Today’s The Best Day! My husband has been working really hard in getting everything in place for this launch and we have already received great feedback about it! We have been so grateful […] Read more…

Welcome! Take a Personal Tour

 Welcome to Today’s The Best Day’s new home! Tyson and I have been working really hard on getting this set up and are so excited to finally introduce you all to our new website!  First of all, I just need to thank you all so much for your support the past few weeks as I […] Read more…

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