Encouragement for Pregnant Women | Today's the Best Day

Archive of ‘Pregnancy’ category

My Hope And Wish For The Expecting Mom

I see you everywhere. At church, at get-togethers, at the grocery store, on Facebook. Your clothes fitting snugly but stylishly over that growing baby bump. That “glow” radiating off your face, matching the excitement in your nervous smile. In just a few short weeks your little one will join you and your adventure into motherhood […] Read more…

Have a HEALTHY Pregnancy with Viactiv

As you ladies know, I worked pretty hard to get this little babe inside of me! After five months of InVitro tests, procedures and shots – I was FINALLY blessed with a perfect little BOY inside of me and our little family could NOT be more excited! Pregnancy is an incredible time for us mamas! […] Read more…

Gender Reveal Party

One of the FUNNEST parties that I have ever thrown in my life was our Gender Reveal Party! I honestly don’t think there is a better way to find out what sex the newest member of your family is going to be. Today I thought I would do a little “Throwback Thursday” and throw it […] Read more…

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