Style Trends You Have to Try | Today's the Best Day

Archive of ‘Style’ category

Fall Mommy & Me Style with Abercrombie

Raise your hand if you are SO ready for FALL?! *MEEE!* There is just something SO stinkin’ exciting about cooler weather, all things pumpkin spice, scarves, boots, leggings and the coziest sweaters, right?! I told you over the weekend on my Instagram Stories to stay tuned because L and I had a special project in […] Read more…

The Sleep Styler WITH Giveaway

Raise your hand if you have ever had a morning where you were running so late you didn’t even have time to do your hair?! *my hand is DEFINITELY raised!* You know I rock that mom bun almost all day, every day…. but ladies, today I am SO excited to share a MOMMY MUST HAVE […] Read more…

Bouvardian – Review & Giveaway

Do you ever meet someone and just have an INSTANT connection with them!? Maybe it is your similar life stories or beliefs. Maybe it is your styles or goals. Maybe it is your personalities or how they make you feel. Well, today I am super excited to introduce you ladies to one of my dear […] Read more…

Peek A Boo Chic – Review & Giveaway

You know when you put on that skirt and it’s just a little too short? Or you put on that shirt that needs to be a little longer so you can wear it with cute leggings? Oh ladies, do I have a store for YOU!! Layering, mixing patterns and making immodest pieces modest are just a […] Read more…

Sexy Modest Boutique – Giveaway & Review

BESTIES!! Listen UP! Today I am sharing with you one of my FAVORITE stores for MOMMY FASHION!! That is right, we spend so much money and time making our littles look cute, every now and then it’s fun to spoil ourselves… you with me?! Sexy Modest Boutique is the BEST Kept Secret for boutique style […] Read more…

SandiLake Clothing Giveaway & Review

BESTIES! Listen UP!! I am dying over SandiLake Clothing and am SO excited to share their store with all of you today! They seriously are the trendiest, cutest, one-stop-shop for the whole FAM and you don’t want to miss this! Mel is a gorgeous mama of two darling girls, an awesome wife and talented business […] Read more…

Mint Valley Giveaway & Coupon Code

Happy FIRST Day of FALL, besties! Oh my goodness, I LOVE this time of year!! I can hardly wait for the cooler weather, pumpkin everything and of course the sweaters and boots! Here in the desert, we really don’t start feeling like Fall until mid-October, buuuut the countdown has begun until I can pull out […] Read more…

JANE.COM Giveaway & Review

Online shopping is where it is AT – and I am SURE you all would agree! For those of you that have been my besties for a while now probably saw a few months ago my quote on Instagram that read, “Online Shopping: Because it’s frowned upon to be in a store with no bra, […] Read more…

Back To School With Groupon Coupons

Besties! Hey, ladies! Can you even believe how fast this Summer is going?! I looked at my calendar the other day and realized it is almost August! AUGUST. August of course brings one thing to my mind: BACK TO SCHOOL! Even though my little lady isn’t in “school” yet, we love to take August as a reason […] Read more…

MIKAROSE – Review and Giveaway

“Modest is Hottest!” I always tell my little girl. Modesty is something I hope she will always love and strive for. I LOVE dressing modestly and am a HUGE believer that you can be modest and fashionable at the same time. AND thank you to Mikarose {one of my ultimate favorite modest stores around} you CAN […] Read more…

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