

From the moment you find out that you are pregnant, people will say, “Congratulations! Your life is just about to change!” But honestly – you really don’t fully understand what that means until you experience it. You think to yourself, “Yeah! I am going to be a mom and have a little baby I get to take care of!” But motherhood is truly something you have to experience in order to fully understand the love, devotion, sadness, happiness and changes it really brings.

You can read here of a story about a time someone asked me why I would ever want to be a mom – because “babies ruin everything.” I shared there a few changes a baby brings in a marriage. But today, I want to focus on what motherhood brings to YOU – as a woman!

Here are 15 changes MOTHERHOOD brings! I am sure all of you moms could agree:

The Changes Motherhood Brings

Photo by Ms. Photographer

1. YOUR NAME: Say goodbye to your first name… the moment that baby comes into your life, your new name is “MOM.” Or in some cases, “Ma-Ma”, “Mommy”, “Mother”, “Madre”, “Mumsy”. You get the point. 🙂

2. YOUR WORRIES: All of the sudden your worries shift and you suddenly can’t stop thinking about the little person you are to take care of. You constantly think about, pray for and NEED that sweet baby in your life – ALL the time! You even worry about the strangest and most random things… or maybe that is just me. I worry about EVERYTHING!! #WORRYWORT

3. YOUR PICTURES: Your phone use to have selfies, pictures of you and your man, your food, your new outfits, your hair, your nails, your shoes – but once you are a mom, your phone  is suddenly at “FULL CAPACITY” when it reaches 753 pictures and they are nothing but pictures of your BABY! Every little thing they do – you need to take at LEAST 10 pictures of!

4. YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS: Look back on your Facebook and Instagram posts from before you became a mom.You will probably see pictures of date nights and girls nights, statuses about how much you love your man. The day your baby is born, suddenly your WHOLE feed is about your baby, your baby and more of your baby. Every milestone MUST be documented and shared!

5. YOUR REFRIGERATOR: You suddenly have Vitamin D milk, applesauce, baby yogurt and baby snacks overflowing your refrigerator. You dig through several bottles and sippy cups just to make it to the diet coke in the back for you!

6. YOUR HOME DECOR: My living room use to be dark brown, black and turquoise – But now, it is pink… pink… and more pink. It is safe to say it looks like it is now Barbie’s house. Full of pink strollers, pink cars, pink dolls, pink tiaras, pink necklaces, pink blocks and even a pink shopping cart! No matter how many times I put them upstairs, they always end up downstairs – I have learned to embrace the PINK, it looks just so fancy and nice with my little bit of turquoise that is left. 🙂

7. YOUR CAR: Your once super fancy, smell good car – suddenly becomes the dark hole where books, crayons, smushed fishy crackers, spilt apple juice and random shoes find a home.

8. YOUR SPEECH: I use to deal with adults all day long at my job and now I deal with a child, or two… or three all day long. You better believe I start talking JUST like them in a wittle baby voice.

9. YOUR SHOPPING SKILLS: I use to be a pro shopper at Forever 21 – now, I am a pro shopper at H&M KIDS! When you become a mom, you are drawn to those children aisles to find the cutest clothes for your little mini me!

10. YOUR SCHEDULE: I use to always be on time {okay, maybe not really} BUT now, I am even MORE late than ever. Say goodbye to thinking you could get ready and be out the door in a half hour. Getting a child dressed sometimes takes a half hour alone! And then of course they need a diaper changed RIGHT when you are about to leave! Plan on being 15 minutes late… everywhere.

11. YOUR BAG/PURSE: The purse you use to have lip gloss, wallet and mirror in – now has snacks, diapers, wipes, binkies, bottles, extra formula, water, a nursing cover and toys. It feels like you are constantly carrying your whole house around!

12. YOUR BODY: You may get stretch marks, you may get loose skin. Some hair gets darker, some hair gets thinner. You name it – it can happen!

13. YOUR RADIO: I use to know EVERY word to every song on 94.1 – and now I know EVERY word to every song on Disney’s Frozen Soundtrack! You suddenly would rather sing Let It Go than Fancy by Iggy, simply because you know every single word to Let It Go and you barely even know who Iggy is! Is that even a person?

14. YOUR DATE NIGHTS: When you think of a “date” you think of a man and a woman – but once you are a mom, “date night” suddenly becomes a man, a woman and a baby {or 2, or 3}. A lot of times date night means pizza and a movie, while staying in, just because it’s easy!

15. YOUR LOVE: You may have thought you knew what love was before you were a mom, but the moment you feel that baby kick inside of you, or they lay that baby on you for the first time, or you look into that baby’s eyes and they smile back at you – you then truly know what LOVE is.

Motherhood brings a LOT of changes. The list could go on! EVERY single one of these is worth it! I would trade a clean car for fishy crackers ANY time. I would trade a clean house for a barbie house ANY time. And I would much rather be called “MOM” than any other name.

Can you think of any other changes that happened in your life when you became a mom? I would love to hear!

Have you been able to experience the greatest change in life – called Motherhood?! Are you excited to one day be able to have these changes!? If so, please share! –

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  1. Danielle
    June 25, 2014 at 8:11 am (11 years ago)

    This sounds horrible but sometimes I so miss being called Danielle. I here mommy so many times it makes me crazy. My son sometimes just says it over and over again. I am almost certain that he does it because he knows that it drives me nuts….lol

    • Rachel
      June 27, 2014 at 6:14 am (11 years ago)

      That’s not horrible! It’s real. So many women lose their identity in marriage and/or motherhood. It actually annoys me. You are still your own self. You aren’t your husband or your child’s life. It’s more than okay to take a few moments to breathe and remember who you are as a whole person, not just as a mom

  2. Erinn S
    June 24, 2014 at 6:41 am (11 years ago)

    The worries! I have new worries I adopted from worries about my son. I have new worries if drowning and heights

  3. Michelle F.
    June 24, 2014 at 5:10 am (11 years ago)

    I can totally relate to all of those. My phone is full of pictures of my baby. I think I might have 5 of myself.

  4. Reesa Lewandowski
    June 24, 2014 at 3:14 am (11 years ago)

    I’ve been a mom for almost 6 years now and everyday I realize how it has changed me!


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