Our Children Are Listening #LoveYourHair | Today's the Best Day

Our Children Are Listening #LoveYourHair

“You are so beautiful!” I told my three-year-old as I was doing her hair yesterday morning.

She looked at the girl in the mirror staring back at her and smiled so big. With the grin on her face and head tilted to the side she said, “Moooom! You always say that.”

And then I realized…she IS listening!

love your hair

Raising a daughter in this world can be a little overwhelming at times – I want to be a good example for her. I want her to experience happiness and joy. I want her to have confidence. I want her to not be afraid to be HER. And I want her to know that she is perfect, just the way she is.

We live at a time where perfectionism and being beautiful is mostly seen as outward appearance. You must have perfect hair. With perfect makeup. And perfect skin. And be the perfect weight. And wear the perfect clothes.

But as her mom, I want to teach her that she is stronger than she thinks and braver than she can imagine. I want to teach her to love her body, her eyes, her nose, her ears, her toes and her perfectly curly hair that she has been blessed with – and that she doesn’t have to change a THING.

Doesn’t it seem like those that are born with curly hair, want straight hair? And those that are born with straight hair, want curly hair? I know I experienced that feeling growing up – and it is my hope to instill in my daughter at this young age to LOVE her hair and to LOVE herself, as much as I love her.

Dove love your hair

There is a narrow depiction of what “beautiful hair” is traditionally thought to look like and earlier this year, Dove Hair found that 8 in 10 women feel pressure to wear their hair a certain way. For many, these pressures begin at an early age.

Dove Hair believes a positive role model can greatly impact a girl’s confidence. In fact, a recent Dove study found that 82% of girls learn to care about themselves from their mother. 82%! What an incredible role we get to hold as mothers!

I am excited to be a Dove Partner to encourage all of us women to make a difference in our daughter’s lives! As a mother, YOU can make a difference and help ensure your girls grow up feeling confident.

Celebrate the beauty of your daughter’s hair today–so she loves her hair tomorrow.


Dove has come out with a SUPER fun and DARLING way to tell your daughter why you love her hair and how you can inspire her to do the same by creating and sharing a custom #LoveYourHair animated message with LoveYourHair.Dove.com.

I hope you will make one and share with your daughter so she will feel the confidence than she deserves.

Our children are listening. They hear what we say and are like little sponges soaking it ALL in. So take the time this week to tell them how beautiful they are – so they in return can say, “MOOOM! You always say that!”

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Dove through their partnership with The Motherhood. While I was compensated to write a post about Dove and #LoveYourHair, all opinions are my own. 

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