“But what if I can’t? What if I can’t find the light at the end of the darkest tunnel?” I said just a few months ago as I battled prenatal depression.
It was almost as if a fog was clouding my vision and all I could see was darkness.
I was sicker than a freakin dog. I could barely get out of bed. The world was suffering through a pandemic… and I felt like I was suffering alone.
How could I show up as a mom? A wife? A friend? An “influencer?” When I was hurting so bad.
It took me months to figure out the answer – but I am standing here today, ready and able to share it with you.
The answer, friends is: baby steps..and not just steps, but baby CHOICES!
I learned the past 10 months that every single day we are faced with 99283893 CHOICES. And it is our CHOICE what we CHOOSE.
Am I going to get out of bed today?
Am I going to work out?
Am I going to eat better & drink my water?
Am I going to try a little harder to be a little better?
I’m so excited to introduce to you our 2021 BESTIE THEME for the year: CHOOSE TO SHINE!

Where every single day we will be faced with different choices. Some easy – and some SO so hard! But TOGETHER & individually we are going to choose to shine a little brighter than we did the day before.
Every month we will be focusing on a different theme with specific Bestie challenges, tips, products & experiences to help you CHOOSE to shine your light a little brighter.
The world feels dark, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be bright. In fact, I think it means the world NEEDS our Bestie Squad more than ever TO BE bright! The world needs strong, excited, encouraging, hard working, positive women to help bring light into it right about now!
So. Are you in?! Are you ready to embark on this journey with me & thousands of other women to CHOOSE TO SHINE? I can promise that if you join us your light will be brighter. You will feel better. You will remember who you are & what your purpose is. And by the end of the year your sparkle is going to be TWINKLING, girl!!!
I hope you are ready to unleash your inner sparkle and #ShineBrightLikeABestie !
To get the party started, I invite you to share this image on your Instagram Stories! Don’t forget to tag me @todaysthebestday so I can see it!

I am excited for this year & for everything our Bestie Squad is going to accomplish. Let’s start shining!
xoxo Danielle