Connection Countdown: September Bestie Challenge | Today's the Best Day

Connection Countdown: September Bestie Challenge

At Today’s The Best Day, every month we have a different focus for the month and in September our focus is: Be The Light By Creating Stronger Friendships! This challenge is an opportunity for each of us to connect with the people around us! 

I am thrilled to introduce our upcoming 30-Day “Connection Countdown” Challenge – starting September 1st!

Throughout the month of September, we have a challenge that takes you 5 minutes or less every single day to make a deeper connection!

CLICK HERE to check out our September Bestie Packet + 30 Day Calendar!

We made the packet printing friendly, so you can print out the calendar if you’d like and hang it up for the month!

I am SOOO excited for this new month with you!! It is going to be so much making these connections and deepening our friendships together!!

If you would like to join + connect with other women who are taking on the Connection Countdown Challenge, attend special classes and broadcasts teaching new skills throughout the month, AND have a chance to win the $200 grand prize for participating and being the light – CLICK HERE to fill out the application to join us! 

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