You’ve seen them.
The “perfect” moms all over the internet.
With their picture perfect posts on social media and homes full of Pinterest worthy decorations, it is easy to get lost in comparison and wonder what you are doing wrong or if you are even doing anything right at all.
As you long-fully gaze at images of their sparkly clean white kitchens and foods that look too beautiful to eat, it is easy to start being your own biggest critic.
You see articles like “How To Lose The Baby Weight In 5 Weeks” and are still trying to hit your goal body three years later.
You hear of babies sleeping through the night at three weeks old and wonder why your five year old still ends up in your bed at 2am.
And you feel yourself wondering why you just aren’t doing enough.
But oh, mama – you are enough.
Photography by Canico Studios
Because being a mom isn’t about the long list of things we could be doing – or think we should be doing – or wish we would be doing.
Being a mom is about what you are doing right now. In this very moment.
It’s about the very fact that you wake up every morning and put someone else’s needs in front of your own. It’s about the very fact that you woke up this morning already wanting a nap tomorrow. It’s about the very fact that you love your kids so much, that you would do anything for them. ANYTHING. Because you are their mom. And you are enough!
SO SO enough.
Being a mom is about the moments. The hard, crazy, pillow-screaming, tears streaming, pull your hair out moments. But a few minutes later, turning those moments into moments of love, joy, satisfaction, and the most happiness you could have ever imagined feeing…EVER.
It’s about that moment you turned off your phone and did a puzzle on the kitchen table with your kid or that moment you grabbed an umbrella and a pair of boots and danced in the rain and puddles.
It’s about that moment you snuggled up in bed to read a bedtime story and said a quiet prayer. And even that moment you snuck into their room just to see them sleeping, kiss them goodnight and covered them up with a blanket to keep warm.
It’s about those moments only your family sees.
Those early morning wake-up calls and middle of the night feedings. It’s about those times you say yes to ice cream and staying up past bedtime. It’s about those moments of celebrating their imagination and playing dress up, baking cookies and playing soccer in the backyard.
As a mom you listen to everything. You are their biggest cheerleader and their kindest coach. You are their lunch packer, home provider, cookie maker, bug killer and laundry folder. You teach them how to have manners and you teach how to be little. You show them how to be loved and how they should always be treated.
Mama, playing is enough. Cooking is enough. Driving to activities is enough. Grocery shopping is enough. Teaching is enough. Singing is enough. Kissing boo-boos is enough. Reading the same book five times is enough. Loving is enough.
Being a mom is enough.
To the mom who seems to be happy ALL the time: I know you have your struggles inside. Thank you for trying to spread happiness to others! YOU are enough.
To the mom who seems to be stressed and having a hard time with life: I know how it feels to go through awful trials. YOU are enough.
To the mom who seems to be perfect and have perfect hair, children and even a perfect spouse: I know you work hard for your family. YOU are enough.
To the mom who has piles of laundry, dirty dishes and sticky floors: We have all been there. Enjoy it now. YOU are enough.
To the mom who is taking care of your family all by yourself: You are an inspiration and you can do hard things! YOU are enough.
To the mom who feels like you are just not doing enough: You ARE doing enough.
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Don’t let yourself tell you otherwise. Because you are a mom. And that is enough.
November 3, 2016 at 11:48 pm (8 years ago)This was exactly what I needed today after struggling with a fussy 10 day old babe all night long. Thank you for encouraging others!
August 26, 2015 at 2:00 pm (10 years ago)I really needed this today! My 2 year old princess has not been sleeping well for about a month now, and all I ever think is What am I doing wrong! Thank you continue to write, your blog is always a great pick me up.