Photo by our talented photographer, Christine Olson Photography
The toddler is screaming for his blanket that you left in the car because five minutes before this melt down he assured you he didn’t want it, the nine month old is fussing because of course you decided to load up the family for a quick trip to Walmart to pick up a few items when she should be laying down for a nap, which a “quick trip to Walmart” doesn’t exist anyway, so under your breath you tell yourself, come on, you should have known better.
But you’re enough.
It’s 7am, the baby is screaming to be nursed, the toddler just dropped his water out of his crib with a thud, followed with a scream for help. The dogs need to be let out, the cat needs to be fed, the dishes are still piled in the sink from the night before and the floors look like you could sweep up all the dog hair and create a whole new animal out of it. As you start breakfast and ponder about maybe pouring a cup of coffee for yourself before going over the running to do list that never seems to be completed in your head, your husband kisses you on the cheek and reminds you of potluck at work that needs a dish, and out the door he goes with a quick, have a nice day dear! The thought pops in your mind, how am I going to get everything done today?
But you’re enough.
Its Friday night, the kids are finally tucked away into bed, dreaming peacefully and you and your husband finally get a moment to sit on the couch together, just the two of you. Its nearly 9 o’clock, you haven’t showered in three days and your hair is piled on the top of your head. You blissfully remember those days when your husband would take you to dinner, just the two of you, before the children came along and you would laugh and flirt, he would open your doors and hold your hand. You felt like you were on cloud nine every moment you were with him. Now if you change out of your yoga pants into jeans and you have a 10 minute conversation without being interrupted by an impatient toddler you feel like you’ve had a “date” with your husband.
But you’re enough.
I know I’m not the only one who’s been there. Struggling to stay afloat in the everyday life as a mom, trying to make sure everyone is fed, the house is clean, the floors are swept, the laundry is folded, the dishes are washed, and does it ever actually end? It doesn’t, because you’re a mom. And those tiny humans need you, and your husband needs you, your family needs you. So sometimes it’s hard to look in the mirror and say to yourself, I got this! It’s hard to even find time to finish that cup of coffee you poured at 7am and it’s now 10 and you’ve had to warm it back up 8 different times! But I’m here to tell you, you’re enough.
There might be days that you look at your house and you feel like a tornado touched down in your living room, and your husband is asking if the laundry from the dryer that’s been sitting there for four days has made it to the closet yet, and you give him a look that could kill because he knows the answer already. But those things that didn’t get done, those don’t matter. Your children won’t look back in 10 years and say, my mom didn’t get those dishes washed every night after dinner! No, you were reading your babies a bedtime story, you were spending a little extra quality time with your husband, you were teaching your baby how to clap her hands, and you were showing your toddler how to slide down a slide. You were making memories.
You were being, enough.
I know it’s hard to keep the house looking like a picture from the magazine, and keeping your life put together like we see celeb moms do. But we can’t beat ourselves up when it doesn’t line up the way we want it too. We can’t think that we aren’t enough for our family. Because little do we know, we are more than enough. And if you stop and pause, and push the stress and worry aside of everyday life, you’ll see. You’ll see your baby smile when you walk into the room and reach for you, because you’re enough. You’ll see your toddler using his manners, that you worked so hard to teach him, because you’re enough. You’ll see your husband kiss you goodnight, and silently say a prayer thanking the Lord for how hard you work for your family.
Because you are enough.

This articles is written by Veronica Miller – a mother, a wife, a friend. Check out her inspiring video blog on Youtube here and Instagram here as she makes this world brighter everyday.
November 26, 2014 at 3:40 pm (10 years ago)We are always enough! It is very tough at time, but I’ll keep remembering this fact; that at the end of the day I’m enough!
Danielle Davis
November 26, 2014 at 8:52 pm (10 years ago)You definitely are enough! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!
November 26, 2014 at 1:28 pm (10 years ago)Wonderful reminder! We moms really need the encouragement at times. It’s a tough job!
Danielle Davis
November 26, 2014 at 8:53 pm (10 years ago)It’s the toughest job in the world Carissa! We as moms need to be a support for each other and help each other understand that we definitely are enough. Thanks for the comment!
November 26, 2014 at 4:48 am (10 years ago)I think all moms need to know this. Its so easy for us to bury ourselves in guilt and think we just don’t add up when all our kids might need at the moment is a hug and some words of encouragement.
Danielle Davis
November 26, 2014 at 9:25 pm (10 years ago)I couldn’t have said it better Heather. Thanks for your comment!
Holli @ It's An Ordinary Blog
November 26, 2014 at 4:29 am (10 years ago)This is a great post. I wrote about being enough about two years ago and am glad to see that other bloggers are also inspiring people to try to recognize that they’re enough as well.
Love your blog, by the way, it’s so cute!
Danielle Davis
November 26, 2014 at 9:26 pm (10 years ago)Hi Holli! That’s great that you have a blog that shares a similar message! Thanks for your kind words and for leaving a comment!
November 26, 2014 at 3:17 am (10 years ago)As a single mom to a 4 year old boy I have moments pretty much everyday where I don’t think that I am enough. It’s a tough job but is very rewarding and I just have to remind myself to step back, take a moment to see all of the things that I have done right and enjoy those rewarding moments.
Danielle Davis
November 26, 2014 at 9:31 pm (10 years ago)Kimberly, I am sure it is definitely not easy being a single mom but knowing your importance is what makes all of the hard work worth it! Thanks for your comment!
November 26, 2014 at 1:03 am (10 years ago)very inspiring, sometimes we are too hard on ourselves.
Danielle Davis
November 26, 2014 at 9:31 pm (10 years ago)Hi Agnes! I am definitely hard on myself sometimes. What do you do to cheer yourself up when you’re having a tough day?