The Best Stroller For The Big Sibling - Evenflo Sibby | Today's the Best Day

The Best Stroller For The Big Sibling – Evenflo Sibby

The countdown is ON and I can’t even believe it! Just a few more days until Christmas ladies, are you ready?!

There are so many last minute things I am running around town grabbing before the festivities begin and I am so nervous I am going to forget something! ESPECIALLY since we not only have Christmas, but we also have BOTH our babies birthdays coming up too!

As I run from store to store, grabbing cookies for school and gifts for our neighbors – my two little sidekicks have been LOVING their life and it’s because of one thing… our stroller!

You guys, this post is sponsored – but I am telling you. We have had SEVERAL strollers in our hands the past few years, and Tyson has said multiple times now while pushing our Evenflo Sibby, “THIS is my favorite stroller we have ever had!”

And my almost five year old {that is SO weird to say by the way! HOW is she almost FIVE?!} – for sure agrees! And that is why we are voting this specific stroller The BEST Stroller For The Big Sibling, because not only does our little guy love it as he strolls around the city, but big sister is LOVING getting to hang on for the ride too!


The Evenflo Sibby has quickly made it’s way to our #BestieMUSTS list not only because of they care about the safety, well-being and development of our babies, but because of the unique ride-along board that connects super easily and folds away when not in use.

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It also has a lift-to-fold design, which minimizes the size to fit into any vehicle. Annnnd another bonus that I love specifically, is the over-sized basket for storage {saves our mama arms and backs from carrying the world with us! 🙂 ha!}

Evenflo offers a TON of convertible, compact, booster, and all-in-one products. These range from car seats, to strollers, to Evenflo products in the home (safety gates, exersaucers, high chairs, etc.)

And you can check out their website here for more information about any of their products, and their Sibby specifically!

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As we gear up for the next week of festivities, don’t forget to take some time to just ENJOY the now. This time of year can get a little crazy and overwhelming, but it’s my hope that we can slow it down and focus on what matters most … which is almost always, the people around us.

Merry Christmas, Besties!

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Special thanks to Evenflo for being a sponsor of Today’s The Best Day! Although we were compensated for this article, all opinions are my own. 

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