I LOVE Sundays! We have had the opportunity to attend a Marriage and Family Relations class every Sunday the past few weeks and walk out feeling so uplifted and ready to make our marriage stronger each week.
Today we talked a lot about communication and showing love to our spouses by listening to each other. That is something that Tyson and I have learned a lot about the past five years of marriage. I love to talk {as you all know!} and luckily, he is a pretty good listener so it works out nicely. I know that the way we listen and talk to our spouses is a great way to express our love.
I love this video on Expressing Your Love in your marriage:
Richard G. Scott said, “As I have thought back over our life together, I realize how blessed we’ve been. We have not had arguments in our home or unkind words between us. Now I realize that blessing came because of her. It resulted from her willingness to give, to share, and to never think of herself. In our later life together, I tried to emulate her example. I suggest that as husband and wife you do the same in your home.”
May we all be willing to give, to share and to never think of ourselves. Those are things that I have to work on daily! I do know that as we look for the good in our husbands, our marriages will be healthier and happier.
I would love to hear from you on how you strive to show love in your marriage. In the comment section below, please share a simple and fun idea on how you plan to show your love to your spouse this week!

“Do not pray to marry the one that you love, but to love the one that you marry.” – Spencer W. Kimball
Don’t forget to share –
March 31, 2014 at 3:52 am (11 years ago)I’m a firm believer that it’s the little things – a note, a text, a word of encouragement, picking up their favorite food/drink on the way home (my husband absolutely loves when I surprise him with his favorite coffee!). Sometimes the big gestures are hard because of time or money, but the little things you can almost always do.
Danielle Davis
April 1, 2014 at 3:47 am (11 years ago)LOVe that Jennifer!! It is SO true! It really is the little things!! Thank you for the great ideas!
March 30, 2014 at 9:58 pm (11 years ago)My husband loves when I randomly text him to tell him how much I love him.
Danielle Davis
April 1, 2014 at 3:48 am (11 years ago)YES!! Such a great idea!! Just to let him know you are thinking of him!