FASHION TIP #1- HAVE FUN | Today's the Best Day


The first and most important tip I have for dressing your baby is to have FUN! I think sometimes we think they are “babies” so they need to wear a onesie, some socks and we are good to go. Something that I have ALWAYS loved to do is dress Laila and shop for her! It is so fun now that she is getting older, she actually interacts with me at the store. I also love that she is still little enough that she doesn’t have an opinion on what she wants to wear, so I get to have her dress however I want every day!

I love this hot pink jeans jacket from GUESS http://guesskids.guess.com/en/# and these cute leggings from Wal Mart! Can you believe it?! I know… Wal Mart. But they were only $4 and I had to pick up some groceries. Couldn’t resist the $4 leggings that just so happen to be on the isle I had to walk by to get to the food! I think the bright colors are fun and the bigger the bow the better! This bow is Jen’s Bowdacious Bows http://www.etsy.com/shop/JensBowdaciousBows … She is by far my favorite place to buy bows from. They are beautiful, classy, unique and actually stay together!

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