Oh HEY girl!!
Sit down and have a little seat as I chat with you for just a minute about a few things that have been happening over here at Bestie Squad Headquarters!
Every day I receive messages and emails from Besties who share their trials and triumphs with me. I have laughed with you. I have cried with you. And I have prayed for, worried about and seriously think of ALL of you every single day!
Lately I have been thinking about how important it is for us all to be intentional every single day in FINDING the bright side, even when it may feel impossible. Because let’s be real – sometimes it seriously feels IMPOSSIBLE.
ALL of us have bad days. ALL of us have to go through really, REALLY hard things. And ALL of us have the choice to FIND the good amongst the cloudy, dark, rainy days that we experience.
These days with Social Media in our faces every day, we see people pretending to have perfect lives and not REALLY being happy. It is easy to compare and to think that the grass is greener on the other side! But guess what? The other day I saw a meme that said… “The grass might be greener on the other side – but it’s because it is fake.”
The thing about being a part of the Bestie Squad is that we are REAL. We are REAL women who have REAL desires and REAL goals and REAL trials and REAL feelings. And THAT is the EXACT reason our theme for 2019 is to “FIND THE BRIGHT SIDE!”
We have had so many requests to have Bestie Squad shirts and I am SO EXCITED to finally announce that they are COMING!!! But these aren’t any old shirts – these are shirts with meaning and with power.
This shirt is a reminder every time that you wear it – to FIND the bright side THAT DAY! That the grass isn’t greener on the other side – but that we can find the bright side ON OUR SIDE! RIGHT where we are, RIGHT now. Not the fake kind of bright, but the REAL, authentic kind of brightness that brings REAL joy!
Our Bestie T-SHIRT pre-sale will be launched THIS FRIDAY, February 15th at 10am! Make sure you are following @todaysthebestday on Instagram and have your alarms set! We will be posting links for you to easily access the website to purchase! No matter where you live, I hope you will grab a shirt so you can have this daily reminder that you CAN do hard things and that you CAN find the bright side!
IN ADDITION to our T-Shirt launch, a year ago we started Besties Events – a safe place for women to come to feel uplifted, unified, happy and wanted. It’s one thing to get to talk to you all on Instagram & Facebook – but it takes our whole Bestie relationship to the next level when I get to meet you in REAL LIFE!
In 2018 we held 5 SOLD OUT events and had SO MUCH FUN!!! And now ladies, on March 14th we will kick-off our FIRST 2019 Besties Night Out at Fiiz Drinks in Las Vegas! It’s going to be SO fun and I just can’t wait!
Here is all of the information you need to know about our upcoming “FIND THE BRIGHT SIDE” Besties Night Out! Are you ready for this?!
1. WHEN & WHERE IS IT?! Our Besties Night Out will be at Fiiz Drinks Henderson on March 14th {THURSDAY} at 6:30pm.
2. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?! If you had the chance to come to our Besties Night Out at Fiiz last April, it will be similar but BIGGER AND BETTER! Whether you come with a girlfriend or all by yourself – there is room for EVERYONE! {After all, that is what the Bestie Squad is all about!} We will be having Fiiz Drinks, food trucks, vendors, prizes, swag bags and of course a Hight Fitness workout in the parking lot!
3. HOW MUCH IS IT?! Pre-Sale tickets are going to be going live THIS FRIDAY, February 15th at 10am! They will be $20 and ARE LIMITED! All of our events have sold out within 24 hours so PLEASE set your alarms and be ready!
4. WHAT DO I GET WITH MY TICKET?! Your ticket purchase includes {1} 24oz drink from FIIZ, {1} HIGH Fitness class that night, {1} swag bag full of goodies from some of my favorite brands and {5} raffle tickets for our AMAZING giveaways and prizes that we will be celebrating with and giving away! *Please note ONLY the first 50 Pre-Sale ticket purchasers will receive a SWAG BAG*
5. DO I HAVE TO WORKOUT? Of course not! If you aren’t able to workout or are just not feelin’ it – no worries at ALL! Come and visit, eat {have I mentioned my faves Waffle Time & Strip Chezze will be there!?}, drink a soda and be merry! It’s going to be a fun GNO with lots of mix and mingling ANNNND you all know I love to give away my favorite things and my favorite products so if anything – come and hang out with me and try to win some awesome prizes!
6. WHAT DO I WEAR? We will be working out with the FUNNEST HIGH FITNESS instructors ever – so wear workout clothes/shoes or an outfit you feel comfortable movin’ in! I am not going to lie… I struggle working out. I haven’t ever enjoyed it and always have a hard time finding a workout I actually LIKE. HIGH FITNESS CHANGED ME! It is SO fun! It’s seriously like a big dance party which is totally my jam! And I promise you will be obsessed! But like I said above, if you aren’t interested in working out – no worries! Wear whatever you want! You know I am all about a messy mom bun and comfy leggings! Heck, wear your slippers if you want!
7. WHAT IS THE SPECIAL SERVICE PROJECT OF THE NIGHT?! We are SO excited to announce that we are going to be GIVING BACK to our community that night! We would love for every Bestie to bring a lightly used pair of shoes to be donated to a women’s shelter here in Las Vegas. We are excited to take these bags of YOUR shoes to these women who don’t have anything – and will get to walk a mile in YOUR shoes that have gotten you to the bright side and hopefully will help lead these ladies to the bright side too!
8. CAN I BRING MY FRIENDS? Heck yessss! Spread the word and grab all of your ladies! BUT they do need a ticket in order to come! Prices will increase as we get closer to the event, so be sure to have them grab their ticket THIS FRIDAY!
9. WHAT IF I CAN’T COME UNTIL LATER THAT NIGHT? So here’s the schedule to help you make your plans accordingly!
6:30pm – Check-in and Registration – Grab a drink… chips and salsa…some Waffle Time and Strip Chezze… visit with friends…just sit and be still since you will be kidless and it will feel like a mama dream!
7:00pm – HIGH Fitness Class Starts… it is a 45 minute workout – you will be sweating! It’s AWESOME! If you choose not to workout – totally fine! Come visit, watch, shop the vendors, eat, and have FUN! There are lots of ladies who aren’t able to workout or just not interested – so you will not be alone!
8:00pm – Raffles! Giveaways! Prizes! Visiting! Eating! and FUN!
10. I DON’T LIVE IN VEGAS – CAN YOU COME DO THIS WHERE I LIVE? Heck yeahhhh! We would love to come to your city and have a Bestie’s Night Out! Email me or DM me on Instagram and let me know what city you live in and we can chat about bringing our next Bestie’s Night Out to YOU!
11. I JUST CAN’T WAIT! HOW DO I GRAB MY TICKET?! Tickets will be LIVE at 10am THIS FRIDAY, February 15th so SET YOUR ALARMS! Be sure you are following @todaysthebestday on Instagram so you can be the first to click on the link we post and grab yours!! It’s going to be the BEST Girls Night Out and I am SO excited to see you!!!