Ludwig Feuerbach wrote: “der mensch ist was er isst.”
In English it reads ‘man is what he eats’. Much has been said about eating, and much is yet to be said. The importance of the adage though, has hardly diminished. As a parent, you might realize the importance of these words. However, they lead us to some questions; what is the best food for your kid? What will help your kid improve his memory? How do I increase his mental toughness? What will help him become smarter? Let’s look at some possible solutions to help you turn your kid into an Einstein.
1. Green Vegetables:
“Eat your green vegetables!” was the favorite reprimand of our parents. Predictably, they are great sources of Vitamins A, B and E. They are also crammed with iron and folate. Foods like broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage and kale are rich in 3, 3′-Diindolylmethane, a chemical that stimulates brain cell growth. Green vegetables thus are one of the top 10 foods for kids.
2. Yogurt:
Probably the most loved food on this list. Yogurt strengthens immunity and provides your kid with the daily dose of calcium. It helps them grow healthy gums and teeth, and also helps in the fortification of bones. Yogurt also contains Vitamin A and the milk protein derived from yogurt helps keep brain cell membranes elastic.
3. Fish:
Omega-3 fatty acids prevent cognitive slumps and memory loss. Fishes contain reasonable amounts of Vitamin D and omega-3s. “The more omega-3s we can get to the brain, the better it will function and the better kids will be able to focus”, said Bonnie Taub-Dix, eminent Health and Nutrition Blogger. Therefore, fishes are one of the best brain foods.
4. Eggs:
There have been many articles, features, advertisements and even malnutrition campaigns that talk about the necessity of eggs in a diet. Eggs are a good source of omega-3s, choline, zinc, and lutein. Eggs are mainstays of health magazines and one of the best foods to boost brain activity.
5. Lentils:
If you’ve grown up in India, chances are you have had lentils for the better part of your life. Lentils are good sources of vegetable protein, which helps boost memory. Lentils are easy to cook and cheap to obtain, making them an ideal food for kids and adults alike.
6. Fruits:
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, is probably the most recognizable phrase nutritionists, doctors, parents and good Samaritans quote. The overuse of the phrase is not ill received. Fruits like apples contain Quercetin, an antioxidant which combats cognitive degradation. Oranges contain high amounts of Vitamin C and roughage. Fruits like kiwis, oranges, apples and plums are the best fruits that you can serve the kids.
7. Oatmeal:
Oatmeal is one of the best foods that kids can eat. It contains high quantities of protein and fiber. It also combats clogging of arteries and helps the heart and brain function better. Oatmeal helps improve cognitive performance by promoting a leisurely release of glucose in the blood system.
8. Nuts and Seeds:
Nuts and seeds are crammed with fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Nuts and seeds often alleviate mood swings and help keep the nervous system functioning well. Nuts like walnuts, Brazil nuts, peanuts and almonds also contain magnesium, zinc, Vitamin E and phosphorous, which are vital to the correct development of the brain and its associated functions.
9. Turmeric:
Although turmeric is not necessarily a food, being a spice, it remains the most widely used spice in the South Asia. It contains many medicinal qualities and one of them can actually help the brain grow. Curcumin is the active ingredient responsible for this brain growth and is found in abundance in turmeric.
10. Unprocessed Meat:
Animal fat is where pesticides and antibiotics are stored. A high toxic load can contribute to brain fog,” said eminent nutritionist, Laura Lagano. So, if you do feed your kids meat, make sure it is the unsweetened and unprocessed type. Meat contains high amounts of Omega-3s and protein that helps kids improve focus and concentration.
There are many other food types and nutrients necessary for a kid’s development. However, these food sources will help your kid become mentally keen and aid him in his all round development. These food sources will certainly put him on the right path towards mental fortitude and acuity.
I am Aradhana. I am a passionate writer and love to write on topics like parenting, wellness, health and lifestyle. I believe good health is the key to success and happiness. I am a contributor for natural news, elephant journal, naturally savvy, curejoy and Through my writings, I want to motivate people to develop healthy habits and adopt natural ways of living to achieve sound health.