Hey Besties, I’m Avery! I am a very talkative, potato loving, Swig gulping stay at home mom of 4 beautiful blue eyed boys. I have been married to my annoyingly attractive husband since I was 19, 12 years down forever to go! I am at my happiest when I am able to just be with my family at home with nothing planned, even though we’re the loudest house on the block! I love mommy-son sleepovers in the living room, family road trips and making crazy memories! I am not the biggest fan of hiking, but my kids are so it’s almost become our weekly ritual. When they are with me I am able to hike, overcome fears my own fears and explore through their eyes. I want to share my story and connect with other moms while I’m at it!
From ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom. Just like my own amazing mother. I just knew it was what I was meant to be.
My mother is honestly the coolest person I know! She had 4 incredible home births, to 4 awesome humans.
So here I am fast forward a few years later and I now have 4 beautiful blue eyed boys of my very own. A husband of almost 12 years that is truly my best friend and just annoyingly attractive. I really have everything that I could ever want.
BUT…for some reason…my momma bucket or heart is still lacking.
When we purchased our home about 3 and a half years ago I thought, “This is it Avery! This is your time to show everyone other than your family that you are like, “it”.”
So we did it! We finally bought our first house! The keys had holly berries and all! This is it people, I have a legit human front door for the world to see!
Yes, I am naturally outgoing.
Yes, I think I wear up to date items of clothing…I shop at Target.
Yes, I have the Fawn Design Bag.
Yes, I am usually happy and people like to be around me and yes…yes…yes…to all the freakin boxes!
BUT that was it. That was when I realized something.
Here I was… subconsciously telling myself that I NEEDED to check all of these stupid boxes to fit in…and for what? Nobody told me to!
I truly thought when I bought a house that making friends would be simple! And I quickly learned, that I was totally wrong. I make friends everywhere I go…what was happening?
What could I change so I could go around telling my sweet boys that mommy is making forever friendships in the neighborhood?
I knew what I needed to do.
I needed to brave for them…so that they {and I} could start to make lasting bonds.
I started setting up play dates with other moms that had boys similar ages to my boys. Those were going strong for about a year with a few moms. That really seemed to help and it eventually paid off, as my boys made even more friends with starting school! But then sadly…a few of the fun friends we were starting to make moved out of the neighborhood. Which is so hard.
I will tell you today though, that all of those subconscious little boxes I was trying to fill out in my head, DO NOT MATTER. Real friends don’t care about what your house looks like. Or what brand of clothing you are wearing. Or even if you shop at Target. {Even though that is a bonus if you do jk}
Real friends care about WHO you are and WHAT you do and HOW they make you feel.
Making friendships as adults is so hard. I am so glad that we have this Bestie Squad so I could throw out the question to you – Why is it, or why does it seem so hard to make lasting friendships as adults? And what are some things that YOU do to make lasting mama friends?
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