The Truth About The Grass Being Greener On The Other Side | Today's the Best Day

The Truth About The Grass Being Greener On The Other Side

Hey Besties! I’m Sadie Banks! I’m a photographer by day and an infertility blogger by night! My goal in life is to help the fertile understand infertility and the infertile feel more seen and heard through their journey! My husband and I tried for over 3 years before getting pregnant with our miracle IVF baby girl this May and can’t wait for her arrival in January of 2020! Throughout my own journey with infertility, I found that there was a huge gap in the education conversation that caused a lot of heartache on both sides. So I made it my mission to bridge that gap between the fertile and the infertile. I’ve learned a lot over the years and truly believe that educating our friends and family helps us keep those connections strong. We’re all doing the best we can and we’re all just walking each other home. I’m so, so excited to be a Bestie Guestie today and hope that what I’m sharing with you resonates in your heart and helps you to be a better friend!

Hey Besties! I’m Sadie, you may have heard Danielle talk about her photographer Sadie. Well, that’s me! Truth be told, Danielle and I really truly connected over having PCOS and struggling with infertility.

I was originally going to write ABOUT infertility, but lately, with all of the friendship talk at Bestie HQ, I felt like I needed to write something else and I’ve had this on my mind for a while so, here we go.

We’ve all heard the phrase “the grass is greener on the other side” right? And we’ve heard the additions to the phrase like, “the grass is greener where you water it” or “the grass is greener on the other side because it’s fake.”

Well, today I want to talk about all of those phrases because I think that when it comes to looking at other peoples’ lives and making that snap judgment of, “that’s not real life” or “that’s fake” we are missing an opportunity to build a friendship.

I think each one of us truly wants to be a little bit better today than we were yesterday. So each day, we water our own grass. And each day, it gets a little greener.

Some of us have JUST started watering our grass, so it’s still a little yellow. But maybe our neighbor or the girl we just met has been watering their grass for a while now and it really IS greener. That doesn’t make their grass better. It doesn’t make your efforts less than. You’re just in different stages of the journey.

The other day I was looking at my own grass (my literal grass 😂) and then I looked at my neighbor’s grass. My grass was green. And their grass was a darker green. But I noticed something I had never realized before: they had a different KIND of grass. And their grass LOOKED greener than ours BECAUSE IT WAS. But both of our grass was healthy and growing and happy!

Just like my grass and my neighbor’s grass– we are all different. We all have different talents, abilities and skills. We’ve all worked hard to cultivate those talents and skills. And WE ARE ALL NEEDED. As we are, where we are and who we are. Of course we can all improve our talents and develop new talents, but the talents YOU have are special because YOU are the only one that can do that talent as YOU. You are the mama your kids need. You’re the sister your sisters need. And you’re the friend that we need. Just as you are.

So today, water your grass and then reach over the fence and sprinkle some water on your neighbor’s grass. Share the love and lift up your friends around you. Tell people the things you admire about them. See their goodness and see your own goodness. And remember: the grass is greener where you water it.

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