“I JUST WANT TO BE A MOM,” I yelled as I threw my phone on the ground and fell to my knees.
The tears came streaming out of my eyes, down my cheeks and dripped to the floor below me.
“I will never EVER be a mom…. I give up!… I just don’t understand WHY this so hard for me?!”
It seemed so simple and so easy for so many – but for me, it was the most trying time in my life.
I recently found a journal entry that I wrote during this time and it read:
“I want to look into a little baby’s eyes and tell them that they are MINE. I want to hold them and kiss them. I want to help them grow and be strong. I want to get up in the middle of the night and rock a baby to sleep. I want so badly, more than anything, to hear someone call me, MOM.
I want to teach them lessons. I want to teach them how to be happy. I want to teach them how to talk and make people laugh. I want to teach them how to walk and exercise their body. I want to teach them how to eat and be healthy. I want to teach them their ABC’s and how to count to 100. I want to teach them how to love and be kind.”
As I read this emotional post, it hit me.
My dream came true! My prayers were answered!
My hard work was worth it! It had happened… I became a mom.
Not only did I become a mom – but I now get to look into a baby’s eyes and indeed, tell him that he is mine.
I get to hold a little girl and kiss her all I want. I get to help both of them grow to be strong.
I get to wake up in the middle of the night and rock a baby to sleep.
And I have the privilege of hearing a little person call me “mom” 89 thousand times a day.
I have taught her how to talk and laugh. I have taught her how to walk and exercise. I have taught her how to eat, how to count and sing her ABC’s.
But what REALLY hit me while I read this journal entry was that during all this time while I was teaching my children about the important things in life….they were the ones that were actually teaching me.
They have given me much more meaning in life beyond just ABC’s and 123’s.. in fact… they have shown me that the secret to happiness is living life as they do.
Every day we, as moms, have lessons being taught to us from our littles that give us hope and shape us into the great moms we are all aspiring to be.
Here is just a quick list of 10 of my favorite lessons I have learned from my kids and as you scan through it I hope you will take a second to add to it with your favorite lesson from your little in the comments at the end.
Maybe because it’s scary. Or maybe it’s because it is something we have never done before and takes us out of our comfort zones. Or maybe it’s because it take a lot of hard work. Or maybe a lot of our time that we think we just don’t have.
But our little ones can teach us that when we do something that stretches us – we grow because of it. We change because of it.
And a lot of times at the end of the dark tunnel that we take, we come out into a beautiful light that we didn’t know we could get to!
We face fears we didn’t know we had. We take risks that we didn’t think we could take. And we become stronger than we could have ever imagined.
In fact, most of the time when we are in a rush and hurry – are the times it is most important to slow down.
As a mom, you are probably familiar with the common situation of running out the door at the time you are supposed to be somewhere and your keys go missing. And when you finally find them, a shoe goes missing. And when you finally find the shoe, the child needs to use the bathroom.
And when they are done using the bathroom, somehow their other shoe went missing. And then you find the shoe and your child walks at a pace of a literal snail to get into the car. And then they want to buckle themselves, but you are in a hurry so you buckle them.
But then they cry because they wanted to do it themselves and you want to be a good mom and teach them independence and want them to be able to do it on their own so you unbuckle them and let them try again on their own. And they continue doing it a their own little snail pace. And eventually everyone is in the car and you are ready to go… but forgot the snacks that they now are asking for. And it goes on and on and on…
YES. We have been there.
But it is through their snail pace that we as moms can learn that it’s okay to take our time. That it’s okay to go at our own pace in life.
That it’s actually a good thing to stop and smell the roses. And that this life is not a race. In fact, it all goes by way too fast.
Which leads me to my next lesson…
Because when we are in a rush as moms, it is easy to think of our long lists of things to do and going about our day just checking off one thing after another.
But I have noticed lately that children are ALWAYS thinking of others – no matter how busy they are.
My four year old talks about her friends often and loves to draw pictures and make treats for her classmates.
She likes to invite others over to play with her toys and always asks me “Mom, are you okay over there?” If I am taking too long to grab her a snack out of the kitchen or she hears me stub my toe on the bed.
When we think about others and make time to serve – our lives can be richer. When we go another day without washing our hair or when we throw on the same outfit we wore yesterday because we don’t have time to rummage through the closet because we are helping a friend by taking their kids for the day – that’s what is more important.
And when we take a minute to text a friend we have been thinking about and say, “Hey, are you okay over there?”- It makes the world of difference in not only our own lives, but in the lives of those we serve.
Children are the BEST at expressing themselves. We know when they are hungry. We know when they are tired. We know when they are happy. We know when they are angry or sad or frustrated. We know when they are excited and anxious. And we know who they love.
All of this…because they express themselves.
When was the last time we took the time to tell someone we really love them? Or really appreciate everything they do? Or tell them how grateful we are for them?
Kids do it ALL the time… but as adults, sometimes we forget.
I never knew how inquisitive children actually are until I became a mom. Moms get asked at LEAST 90 questions a day.
Why is the sky blue? How many legs to spiders have? What is for dinner? Where are you taking me today? Will you play with me? Why is our car white? Why do I have to wear a seatbelt? Why do babies poop so much? What is your favorite color? Why do dolphins live in the ocean? Can I have a pet pig? – #realquestionsIhavebeenaskedthisweek
How awesome is it that we can ask questions – and should never be afraid to! There is aways something to learn.
Always something to improve. And by asking questions we can always become better. I know I have a whole lot of questions about this mommy life {thank you google for always being there for that #momlife} and I love that we can always seek guidance.
Because as moms – we should NEVER EVER EVER feel like we need to do this alone. EVER.
WE are not alone. YOU are not alone.
We should never be afraid to ask for help. Being a mom is whole lot of work. Life even BEFORE becoming a mom is a whole lot of work. If you need someone to take your kid for the day because you need a break – ask.
If you need dinner brought into your home because you just are too overwhelmed with life – ask. If you need someone to sit down on your couch and visit with you – ask. If you need a hug. A listening ear. A hand to hold. A shoulder to cry on. – ask.
Don’t EVER feel like you have to do it all. And ESPECIALLY don’t ever feel like you have to do it all.. alone.
And wait. And wait. And wait.
I have been there. And so have you. And so have our children. Making a child wait for something is really hard for them. For example, road trips. How many times have I heard the question, “Are we there yet?” on our road trips. Probably 30 times in one hour and I am not kidding.
But you know why they ask so often? Because it is really REALLY hard to wait.
Sometimes in life there are things we REALLY want. We REALLY want to find peace. We REALLY want to be financially stable. We REALLY want to find true love. We REALLY want our marriage to work. We REALLY want our children to obey. We REALLY want to have children. We REALLY want to buy a home. We REALLY want to find a good job. We REALLY want to find joy. We REALLY want our prayers answered.
And sometimes… we have to wait. A really really REALLY long time.
But we learn that while we wait – we can try hard. And work hard. And become better because of the wait.
WHY do we take life so stinkin’ serious lately?!
Kids are goofy. They are crazy. They wear whatever they want. They don’t like brushing their hair. They wear dress-up clothes everywhere. They have an imagination and big dreams. They believe that anything is possible and they can become whatever they shoot for. And they always know how to find a smile – even when life gets hard.
So like I always say – WHY NOT?!
Why not be a little more goofy and crazy?! Why not wear whatever we want and not brush our hair if we don’t really feel like it? Why not have big dreams and believe in the impossible?! And above all, why not find a smile when bad things happen and hard days come?
I know, I know, it is MUCH easier said than done to to find that smile when bad things happen – BUT I believe our children are able to do it because of these three things.
They forgive quickly – without hesitation. They love unconditionally – come as you are! It doesn’t matter what you look like or if you are makin’ mac n cheese again for dinner tonight! They LOVE you! And they are honest – brutally honest. Wait, maybe they are sometimes TOO honest…. so mayyyyybe scratch that one.
Nothing you guys. These little ones are our WORLD. They teach us something new every day. They are innocent and kind. They are loving and forgiving. They are hilarious and fun. And they are little sponges that just take EVERYTHING in.
As I closed my journal and realized all of these things – I couldn’t help but shout from the rooftop “I JUST WANT TO BE A MOM!” And I am so grateful to be one.
May we all learn something from our sweet babes and every day – even more important lessons than the one’s we have yet to teach them.
April 20, 2017 at 10:46 pm (8 years ago)I recently made the decision to stop working, something I never thought I’d do. Not because I necessarily love what I do or because I didn’t want to, working hard (at a job) is just what I’ve always done. I think my biggest lesson from my little guys has been that I absolutely CAN have it all but I don’t NEED to have it all at the same time.