Grocery Shopping With A Toddler | Today's the Best Day

Grocery Shopping With A Toddler

Do you have that one thing {or two} that you just don’t like doing as a mom?! I honestly have never really enjoyed grocery shopping. It is kind of silly because it really isn’t that much work, but for some reason I have never really liked doing it. I would SO much rather my husband do it for us! Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. He is super busy with school and work, so of course this responsibility falls on my lap… THE MOM.

How often are you at the grocery store and you see a baby, toddler or child having a complete fit? I assume pretty often, right? We buckle them into a cart and expect them to sit still for a little while, but really all they want is one thing… OUT! And do you blame them? How fun is the grocery store? STACKS of items just ready to be pulled off the shelf, hundreds of things to touch and of course the aisles to run around!

I remember when Laila was just a few months old and we would go shopping. She would just sit in her cute little carseat and sleep the whole time… it was heavenly! I had no idea why I always heard nightmares about moms struggling to go grocery shopping with babies – it was a BREEZE! Well – time flew by and suddenly my little baby turned into a toddler that wanted to do anything, but sleep. She wanted to run and be free as most people would!

Whether you have one baby or five kids, grocery shopping can be a challenge! To help us all out, I asked around for some advice and tips from experienced moms on how they do it! I have compiled a list of 10 Helpful Tips to think about before you go grocery shopping with your toddler to make it at least a little easier!

Grocery Shopping With A Toddler

1. TIMING: As moms, we learn pretty quickly that babies and toddlers have needs. If they are tired, often times they will be cranky or quick to be upset, which means they need to go to sleep. If they are hungry, they may be fussy or maybe not feel well, which means they need to eat. WELL – as you prepare to go to the grocery store, make sure you go at the right time. Work around their schedule so they can be happy and in their best playful mood. I have noticed if we go right before nap time, it often times ends in a disaster – but if we go right after nap, she is wide awake and more easy-going. Every baby is different, so try to find out when the best time is for your children.

2. COMFORTABLE: Make sure your children are comfortable. Put them in comfy clothes that they don’t mind being in. Don’t put too many things around them so they can’t move. Try to help them as much as possible feel cozy {can you really feel cozy in those carts?!!… how about, just feel alright?!}

3. AWAY FROM GERMS: Do you know how many other people touch those grocery carts?! Often times stores will have sanitary wipes by the carts, but if not, it is always a good idea to keep some in your purse when you have kids! Wipe it down so you can get all of the germs off of it. You can also buy super cute covers that can go over your cart! They are comfy, cute, keeps germs away, and easy to wash!

4. PLAY A GAME: This is more geared toward the older kids, but something that is SO fun! I found this fun Grocery Store Bingo Game  you can print out and give to your kids. It is kind of like “I SPY” and is guaranteed to entertain them! Make it fun by creating a game or giving them their own grocery lists to find items on. The more you involve them, the longer they will last!

5. DISTRACTIONS: Aren’t moms professional distractors? That should be another item on our job description! Give them something to hold or something to play with. I am SO guilty of giving my little one a treat or a toy to hang on to as we go up and down each aisle. Listen – whatever works..works, right?!

6. GO WITH A PLAN: To save time, make a grocery list. Go into the store knowing exactly what you need. I am known for having to go up and down aisles SEVERAL times {it is not a good thing and a habit I am working on!}. Go in with a plan and try to get out of there as fast as possible. These little ones only last for so long, so knowing what you need and where each item is, helps a TON!

7. REWARDS AND INCENTIVES: I always loved going to the grocery store with my mom growing up because she would let me choose a candy at the check-out every time. It was something I looked forward to and knew that I would receive if I was good and well-behaved. Now that I am a mom, I love carrying on this tradition. Let them choose an item at check-out they they want and reward them for being good. I am all about incentives and I am sure our children are too!

Grocery Store

The first time Laila had a fit at the store, I felt like the WHOLE entire world was looking at me. If this happens, don’t even worry about it! Trust me – if they are looking at you, they probably just know EXACTLY how you feel, because we have ALL been there!

Hopefully one or two of these can help your next grocery shopping experience a little easier! What do you do to help your kids behave at the store and to make it a little more enjoyable? I would LOVE to hear from you!

Don’t forget to share! –

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9 Comments on Grocery Shopping With A Toddler

  1. Becca Wilson
    June 23, 2014 at 6:50 pm (11 years ago)

    Even shopping by yourself is trying but toddlers…yes it is hard! I have had to bring my 6 year old and almost 2 year old with me lately and am expecting number three in August. No way will all three be coming with me in the future!

  2. MoxiesGroovyMom
    June 21, 2014 at 5:14 am (11 years ago)

    Oh, I love that bingo idea! I’m going to try it.

  3. Julie
    June 20, 2014 at 1:09 am (11 years ago)

    Our grocery store has carts that look like cars, they sit on the top of the cart and theres two steering wheels. It keeps my 15-monh old entertained and thankfully makes shopping very easy! lol

    • Christina Slay
      June 20, 2014 at 3:34 pm (11 years ago)

      it is always a good grocery shopping day when I can get the car cart! It makes the biggest difference. Also, I always go into the grocery store with a snack for my toddler! It’s the only way we make it through.

  4. Rebekah {McMama}
    June 19, 2014 at 1:04 pm (11 years ago)

    A plan in an absolute must! I also take one toy for each of them to play with while we’re in the store and ask the 2-year-old to help me find specific items.

  5. Becky
    June 19, 2014 at 12:42 pm (11 years ago)

    Agreed, timing is the difference between a pleasant, leisurely trip and a rushed, stressed one!

  6. Michelle F.
    June 19, 2014 at 4:16 am (11 years ago)

    Those are some great ideas. I always let my daughter bring one toy and some snacks.

  7. Jennifer
    June 19, 2014 at 2:36 am (11 years ago)

    These are some great tips, and I could agree more with the “go with a plan” point. It makes all the difference for me (plus I tend to save money when I go with a plan since I stay away from impulse items)! I also find that letting my 5 and 3 year old put select – non-breakable – items in the cart tends to help. Well, they feel like they’re helping which makes them happy. 🙂

  8. Maggie C
    June 18, 2014 at 11:59 pm (11 years ago)

    Timing is everything! I must confess that I try very hard to not go food shopping with any kids. If I do, it’s definitely the older ones.


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