Healthy Habits for BUSY Moms | Today's the Best Day

Healthy Habits for BUSY Moms

The Fall is the PERFECT time to start fresh, set new goals, and get back into a daily routine! For a lot of school districts, today was the first day of school! What an exciting time of year for  the whole family! I have loved seeing all of your cute kids in their back to school outfits and fun new backpacks. I have to say – it made me kiss Laila about 36 more times than usual today, just because I am so glad that I get to spend a few more years with her before she starts school! I am already prepping myself with boxes of kleenex for that day when it arrives.

Over the past two weeks my husband and I have started a fitness challenge together. I have to be honest – I am NOT a workout girl. I don’t love the gym. I don’t love running. I have an extremely hard time eating healthy because I do love donuts and I do love pizza. On the other hand, my husband is super healthy and athletic. He is such a good example to me and I hope one day I can be as fit as he is!

Have you ever had that moment when you just look in the mirror and realize you need a change? Maybe you are unhappy with your weight and looks. Maybe you are unhappy with how your attitude is. Maybe you are unhappy with your daily schedule or routine. Whatever the change you feel like you need in your life is – I want you to know, it is NEVER too late.

As moms, life can be a bit busy {especially now that Summer is over!}. It seems like our schedules get packed so quickly and it is hard to find time for ourselves. But today, I have a few ideas that can help you busy moms, be a little healthier and happier.

While my husband and I have been doing our new fitness challenge together – in just two weeks, I have lost 10 pounds! And let me tell you – if I can do that, anyone can!

So if you are a mom and you are ready to get healthy for your kids.  If you are a wife and you are ready to have that awesome body you have always wanted for your husband. If you are a busy woman and you are simply looking for a way to get in the habit of being a little happier – this is your place!

Healthy Habits For Busy Moms

Here is a list of a few Healthy Habits for BUSY Moms. Creating a habit is sometimes hard because it takes a lot of will power and dedication. But once you create the habit – it is easy and it becomes just a part of who you are! I know as you work on these healthy habits, not only will you see a change in your figure or the number on the scale – but you will see a change in your attitude and happiness towards life!

1. CREATE A SCHEDULE AND WAKE UP EARLY: I have always been a schedule person. I am always found making lists of things for me to do – strictly because the feeling of crossing it off the list is heaven sent! Sometimes I even put “take a shower” or “get dressed” on my Daily Things To Do List, just because I want to have the pleasure of checking it off the list! Create a schedule that works for YOU. Within the schedule, I highly recommend waking up before your children do. There is just something so peaceful about waking up before the hustle and bustle  of the family morning parade begins.

Make a schedule and try your best to stick with it. As moms, often times things get a little crazy and schedules are impossible – but try your best to stick with it, so you can feel accomplished at the end of the day. It is always a good feeling to look back and see everything you have done. This doesn’t mean a list a mile long with things that can make us overwhelmed – sometimes on a schedule simple things like “read to my baby” or “go to the park” or “help my kids with their homework” are the most important things on our schedules.

2. WEEKLY FOOD PREP AND PLANNING: This is SO important. I actually owe all of my success the past two weeks to this exact thing. As a busy mom, it is often times hard to find the time to make a healthy meal – so we just make something that we have in the cupboards or even go to Taco Bell because it is just right down the street and convenient.

My husband and I have designated Sunday evenings to our Meal Prep nights {you can choose whatever day and time is most convenient for you}. We grill all of our chicken for the week and have it divided up in our refrigerator by Lunch and Dinner for every day of the week. {More details on this can be found in our Best Day Healthy Challenge beginning September 2nd}. By having the meals prepared it makes life SO much easier and less stressful throughout the week. We know exactly what we are eating and we can grab it and go!

3. EASY HEALTHY SNACKS: If you are anything like me, you may find yourself eating just whatever you have in the cupboards. If I buy it – I will eat it. It is fact! As a mom who is running around to playdates and classes throughout the day, It is a lot easier for me to have “on-the-go” snacks that I can just grab and eat in the car. I have learned that healthy snacks can be found too! Celery and Peanut Butter is a new favorite! Also, Carrots and Hummus is super yummy too! Find healthy snacks that give you protein and energy – rather than sugar and more sugar {which I am so guilty of}.

4. GET SOME CARDIO IN: It doesn’t have to be a lot! Take your baby out for a walk. Instead of watching them play at the park – go and chase them around and play with them. Go for a run or turn on an exercise program during nap time. By moving around and getting your heart rate up – you will feel more energized. Here are 5 Fun Ways To Get Active With Your Baby or even an At-Home Crossfit Workout!

Healthy Habits for Busy Moms 3

5. GO TO SLEEP ON TIME: This one can be hard – it shouldn’t be, but is! When we finally get the kids to sleep, we finally have some “US” time and we want to stay up and enjoy it. By going to sleep early and getting plenty of rest, you will be able to wake up earlier, which in return makes for a better and more successful day!

6. EATING MORE IS BETTER: Did you know that by eating small amounts of food, more often is better than eating a lot of food, less often? By starting your day off with a good breakfast, your metabolism gets going which will help you digest food and lose weight! Then by eating healthy snacks throughout the day, it keeps your metabolism going! We have breakfast, a healthy snack, lunch, a healthy snack and then dinner! That is 5 times a day! I like to eat – so I like it. 🙂

7. TRACK YOUR FOOD AND PROGRESS: There are a TON of fun and helpful programs you can use to track your food intake and progress. I LOVE to SEE results. I am a very visual person – so seeing a graph of how much I have eaten, how much I have lost and how I can do better is extremely helpful. A few of my favorites are Lose It and My Fitness Pal.

8. REMEMBER WHO IS WATCHING: The last habit that is always good to create is to remember that your children are watching you. You, as their mom, are setting an example for your household. If you wake up and are happy in the morning – they might be a little happier too! If you eat healthy and make healthy meals – they will learn to eat them too. Moms play the biggest roll in their children’s lives – so it is up to YOU to make a difference and to help them create healthy habits. AND by the way – it can be totally fun too!

I invite all of you to join me in a new Fitness Challenge that will be released next Tuesday! I am going to be posting my daily recipes and eating charts, schedules and other ideas on how to be healthy! In the meantime, I encourage you to start on these healthy habits and together we can all become healthier and happier moms!

Don’t forget to share this with your friends and invite them to join us next week for our new Best Day Healthy Challenge!

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10 Comments on Healthy Habits for BUSY Moms

  1. Caitlan
    June 9, 2015 at 5:51 pm (10 years ago)

    Loved these tips! working mom of 3 and the schedule is the hardest part for me! thanks for sharing

  2. Betsy
    August 27, 2014 at 1:37 pm (10 years ago)

    I’m totally in for the challenge. I’ve been looking for something like this. I just committed myself to hiking from the rim to the bottom and back of the Grand Canyon next year. A well-known fitness personality is doing a 100 day challenge but as I read the details it said the frist 30 days were free. After reading that I was out. Why would I want to pay money when I can do a fitness challenge with todaysthebestday and the best part is this is FREE. Thanks for doing this Danielle. I can’t wait to start and by the way I love My Fitness Pal too.

  3. Christina
    August 26, 2014 at 2:59 am (10 years ago)

    Great tips! I find that I have to get my exercising in before the kids are awake otherwise it just doesn’t happen ( I have 4 kids 6 and under). Getting to bed early is key for me too it makes such a difference!

    • Danielle Davis
      August 26, 2014 at 11:23 pm (10 years ago)

      I am exactly the same was Christina! If I work out at night I feel like I am missing out on all the fun. I try to go to bed early too! Thanks for your comment!

  4. Layne
    August 26, 2014 at 1:55 am (10 years ago)

    This post is perfect timing for me! Thanks for sharing.

    • Danielle Davis
      August 26, 2014 at 11:20 pm (10 years ago)

      I am so glad the post helped you Layne! Don’t forget that if you liked this post there are several others like it that can help you too!

  5. Angie Agerter
    August 25, 2014 at 11:14 pm (10 years ago)

    What great, easy tips for anyone, not just busy moms! I love creating lists and it does totally help keep on track – we do a two week meal plan and let me tell you the headache it saves.

    • Danielle Davis
      August 26, 2014 at 11:24 pm (10 years ago)

      It does take a while to get all of the meals ahead of time but it saves so much time on the back end like you said Angie. Thanks so much for your comment!

  6. Dede
    August 25, 2014 at 11:13 pm (10 years ago)

    My husband and I would love to work together on a fitness challenge. In fact, I’d like to get the whole family involved. We struggle with many of these issues!

    • Danielle Davis
      August 26, 2014 at 11:25 pm (10 years ago)

      You’re in luck Dede! Make sure you come back by the site on September 2nd to get the full details. We have big plans and look forward to getting fit with great people like you! Thanks for your comment.


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