6 Reminders For The Busy Woman From Heidi Powell | Today's the Best Day

6 Reminders For The Busy Woman From Heidi Powell

I can’t believe it has been a whole week since I had the opportunity to sit down with the incredibly talented Heidi Powell, at FitCon Salt Lake City! Why in the world does time go by SO QUICKLY?!

FitCon® encourages everyone to Find Their Fit. It does not matter whether it is powerlifting, Crossfit, bodybuilding, roller derby, or even axe throwing. They say, “We are advocates for people to find and activity they love doing, and do it every day. Our goal is to provide an event that showcases a variety of sports and fitness, all in one venue. Be active, push yourself both mentally and physically, and love life.” And they did JUST THAT in 2019 – I am so excited to go back next year!

It is my honor to introduce you ladies to a woman that I look up to and feel so blessed to call my friend. Heidi is probably the most down to earth, REAL, kind, uplifting and fun woman you will ever meet – not to mention, stunningly gorgeous and totally FIT! She is such an inspiration to me and to everyone she comes in contact with!

Heidi says, “You might know me as the fitness and transformation expert from ABC’s Extreme Weight Loss, but I’m so much more than that. I’m a mother of four, a loving wife, an entrepreneur, a published author, and an incredibly strong woman. I believe in working up a sweat, working hard every day, and deep belly laughs. I also believe there’s no such thing as too many iced coffees (One pump mocha, hold the sweetener, please!).”

My darling friend Camille from My Mommy Style and I had the opportunity of interviewing Heidi to get her advice for busy women on how we can be active and healthy, even when life is CRAZY!! You can check out the full interview here:

I LOVED these 6 REMINDERS FOR THE BUSY WOMAN that we talked about:

1. YOU WILL NEVER FIND TIME – YOU HAVE TO CREATE TIME: There are so many things we want to put before ourselves! As women and moms, we are always looking at ways we can help & serve others – that by the time 8pm rolls around and we are ready to get into our pajamas and hit the hay, we realize that we didn’t make any time for US. Unless we make taking care of ourselves a PRIORITY on our “things to do list” in reality it just wont get done. So schedule it in and CREATE that time for YOU!

2. YOU CAN ONLY GIVE TO SOMEONE ELSE, IF YOU ARE GIVING TO YOURSELF FIRST: We love the analogy of being on the airplane when they explain the emergency directions. Whose oxygen max do you put on first? YOURS! You put on YOUR mask, so you can help your children, friends, spouse and even strangers around you. Just like on the plane, in real life we must GIVE to ourselves before we can GIVE to others.

3. TAKE 5 MINUTES A DAY FOR YOU – NOBODY ELSE: And guess what?! You don’t have to feel an OUNCE of guilt for those 5 minutes either! In those few minutes, get a quick workout in, eat a healthy snack, calendar in time for you to go to the gym, run up and down the stairs to get your heart pumping or do some jumping jacks.

4. OUR KIDS LISTEN TO WHAT WE SAY & HOW WE TALK TO OURSELVES:  Quite possibly my favorite takeaway from the whole interview, was this moment. The way we speak to our children, becomes their inner voice. Who do you want them to hear? Who do you want them to be and become? Our children are watching us, even when we don’t think they are. They see what we do, what we say, how we react and what our priorities are. They are learning from you every single day – so be careful with how you speak and act.

5. BE KIND TO YOURSELF: Why is it so easy for us to criticize ourselves?! We tend to focus on our flaws rather than strengths. We compare our bodies and lives to others. BUT – it is time to stop. We want our children to have confidence and self-love and in order to show them that we MUST be kind to ourselves. Go easy on yourself. You’re doing an AMAZING job. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Work hard and improve your life and find the greatest joy possible!

6. HAVE YOUR KIDS BE A PART OF YOUR WORK: As a mom, our schedules are busy. How do you find the balance between work and kids and a husband and staying healthy and having fun too? I loved that Heidi suggested having our kids be a part of what we do! Make it a family activity! Include them and help your kids feel a part of everything you do! Family is THE MOST important thing in the world.

It was SUCH a fun day visiting with Heidi and hearing her words of wisdom for all of us! If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below or message them over to us on Instagram at @todaysthebestday.

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