Heidi's Animal Hats - GIVEAWAY | Today's the Best Day

Heidi’s Animal Hats – GIVEAWAY

I love this time of year! Winter appeared overnight a few days ago here in Las Vegas! It went from beautiful, to FREEZING! Are you ready for the cold?!

One reason I LOVE the cold, is bundling up! I love the scarves and the boots! I love the hats and the ear warmers. And today I am SO excited to partner up with a SUPER talented friend who makes the CUTEST little hats for little ones! They are perfect for this cooler weather and you are going to want them ALL.

Heidi’s Animal Hats are all handmade with love and perfection. I attended a Craft Boutique the other day and her hats were on display. They were one of the hottest items! They are TOO too cute. In fact, Laila LOVED hers last winter – doesn’t she look like the cutest little monkey?!

Monkey Hat

These animal hats are so fun and creative! They range from size 6 months to 6 years! And today we have partnered up for a fun GIVEAWAY! One of you will be the lucky winner of any of Heidi’s Animal Hats.

Animal Hat Giveaway



(1) “Follow” todaysthebestday on Instagram.

(2) “Like” and “Comment” on the picture for this Giveaway and tag friends for additional entries. One entry per person you tag!

(3) “Share” the picture for an additional entry and comment if you are private! Tag @todaysthebestday and #AnimalHatToday so we are notified.


(1) “LIKE” Today’s The Best Day on Facebook.

(2) “Like” and “Comment” on the picture on Today’s The Best Day’s Facebook page.

(3) If you TAG friends that you think would love Today’s The Best Day and Heidi’s Animal Hats, you will receive one additional entry per person you tag! {this is done by typing @thepersonsname and their name should pop up in your comment}

(3) “Share” the picture for an additional entry!


You can also enter on Twitter by following @todays_bestday and simply retweeting the photo!

**ENTER ON ALL THREE Social Networks to get as many entries as possible!

Giveaway will close at 7:00am Friday morning (11/7) and the winner will be announced shortly after! Good luck!

Disclaimer: Not every hat comes in every size. She has 6-12 months, 1-2 years, and 3-6 years. There is a variety in each size and the winner will choose from what she has in stock. 

To place an order, email Heidi at mltphoto@cox.net 

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