7 Ways To Make Homework Time EASIER | Today's the Best Day

7 Ways To Make Homework Time EASIER

It’s so stinkin’ fun to officially have a child in school now you guys!! Some days I can’t even believe it’s real life! HAHA! To be an OFFICIAL “Kindergarten Mom” is such a dream. It’s such a fun age and I absolutely love to see our kids learning and growing and becoming these incredible humans! It makes my heart SO happy!

I had heard of the “homework blues” being a real thing and I was so worried it was going to enter into our house. I didn’t want to have a daily fight to get homework done like I had been warned might happen – so of course what did I do?! I started scrolling through Pinterest trying to find the BEST ways to make homework easier and flawless!

Well – we are a few weeks into school, and I am SO excited to put together a few things that have helped us in our house make homework more FUN! So after school time can be a pleasant and enjoyable experience for everyone involved – the kids AND the mama! 😉

1. SET A TIME OR SCHEDULE THAT WORKS FOR YOU: Kids do SO much better when they are in their routine and know what to expect and what is coming! Every family is different, so decide for you and your kids when a good time is to designate for homework time! We are big believers in have specific time for all the things we want to do – we have snack time. Quiet time. Play time. Homework time. Dinner time. Family time. Bed time. When they know what “time” it is – it is easier for them to focus on the goal and what they need to get done so they can move on to the next “time!”

2. HAVE A SNACK: School is seriously LONG – especially for these little ones going ALL DAY LONG! Have a little treat out for them to munch on while doing homework – sliced apples or oranges are one of our personal family favorites! Hummus and pretzels or even some string cheese does the trick too! It makes it feel less like SCHOOL and more relaxed!

3. CREATE A COMFORTABLE AND DESIGNATED SPACE: The environment that we create for our littles at home is SO stinkin’ important! Choose a specific room that your child will do their homework in every day. Whether it is on the couch, at the kitchen table, at a desk or somewhere else that is cozy for them. I partnered up with Lorena Canals to set up a little homework area with their School inspired decor! I DIED over their map rug and pencil banner!  Make it a place they feel comfortable and are able to focus and learn, while WANTING to be there.

4. GIVE THEM PRAISE: We all need to be praised! We all need to be told we are doing a good job and to be recognized for everything that we do, no matter how old we are! Let them know how proud you are of them when they work SO hard!

5. HAVE PATIENCE: Easier said than done, right?! HA!! Having patience can be SUPER tricky – but remember they’re kids. Who have been sitting in a classroom all day. So the last thing they probably want to do when they get home is MORE work. 😉 Show them lots of love and maybe take breaks. Go at their pace and what’s comfortable for them.

6. REWARD FOR HARD WORK: We are super quick to punish for bad behavior, but oh my gosh – it’s even MORE important to REWARD for GOOD behavior! Set a goal together and let them know after they finish their hard work – you will do something FUN with them! Whether it’s having a friend over, eating their favorite dinner, watching a show or playing a board game – reward with something they LOVE to do!

7. KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE: If you are reading this as an overwhelmed or stressed mom wondering WHY your child just won’t sit down and do their homework?! PLEASE know you are NOT alone!! Homework is hard! Life is hard! I promise it will get easier as time goes on! And I also promise you are NOT the only person that is going through this. It’s super common and YOU are SUCH a great mom! Hang in there – you’ve got this!!

I hope these seven ideas will help homework be a FUN time in your home and you can make EVERY day, the BEST day – even when it’s time for homework! 😉

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