Seriously – how do moms do it?
How do some moms creatively do so much and magically find all of the extra time in their day, that you seem to be misplacing under the mounds of laundry and crusty cheerios?
You know the moms I am talking about – every day they gracefully float through their house as tiny woodland creatures and whistle while they dust every corner to perfection.
And you can’t help but think:
What am I doing wrong?
But guess what, I’m here to tell you today that you aren’t doing ANYTHING wrong! In fact, you are actually doing everything RIGHT. You make a difference in the world every single day, without even leaving your house…whether you know it or not.

Photography by Christine Olson Photography
Because as a mom, every single day YOU:
1. YOU ARE BUILDING A FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE: Right now you are raising future husbands and wives! Future fathers and mothers! Future teachers, leaders, doctors and lawyers. You are raising future adults.
How exciting to think that the way we make our children feel, the things we teach them, the examples we set, the time we spend, and the things we say are helping mold their little lives and big futures ahead of them! As much as we don’t want our littles to ever outgrow our laps and arms – they will. And it will come FAST. “You rock a sobbing child without wondering if today’s world is passing you by, because you know you hold tomorrow tightly in your arms.” {Neal A. Maxwell}
2. YOU LEARN FROM MISTAKES AND GROW TO MAKE MORE: There will be days when you feel like you have failed. When you can’t go any further because nothing is going right. The days that will drag on and on and on. You have probably had one or two or fifty – and it’s guaranteed that more are ahead.
But in the eyes of your littles, you can do anything! You are their MOM! So you will pick yourself up and try again. Because you are showing your children that mistakes are just proof that you are trying.
3. YOU SET AN EXAMPLE OF STRENGTH: I once heard that strength is like a river that cuts through a rock. It isn’t because of its power, but it is because of its persistence.
Moms do hard things. If we made a list of the things moms do on a daily basis, it would probably be over a mile long. And we’re talking things happen that if you aren’t a mom, you wouldn’t even IMAGINE. Like poop getting smeared on walls, children getting stuck in doggy doors and meltdowns because you cut the peanut butter sandwich in the wrong direction.
But because of your daily strength and persistence, you are able to get through anything. And because of that – your children will know that they too, can get through everything that comes their way.
4. YOU LIVE WITH AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE: It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people that are happy. This simple, but important truth can change the world. And as a mom, you are teaching it right in your own home.
By being thankful for what you have and showing gratitude for your blessings – your children will learn to love what they have been given. The secret to having it all, is knowing that you already do.
5. YOU INSPIRE OTHERS TO DO HARD THINGS: If anyone knows how to do hard things – it is a mother. A mom doesn’t work a 9-5 job, she works a 24/7, all day, everyday, no retiring, but TONS of benefits job. From worrying and praying to teaching and guiding – a mom hits a LOT of bumps, hills and sometimes mountains to climb in between.
But mama, YOU can do hard things! You. CAN. Do. Hard things. And daily you inspire your family members, children, friends, Social Media friends and even strangers in the grocery store that THEY can do hard things too.
6. YOU TEACH IT IS OKAY TO HAVE A LITTLE FUN: One thing I love about motherhood is that there is always room to have a some fun. There is always a way to find joy in every situation. There is always a lesson to be learned, a laugh to throw out there, a smile to find and fun to be had. Life gets tough. And it gets super serious. But as a mom, we can show the world that it’s okay to have some fun too!
When the baby is in outfit number four of the day from all of the accidents he has had and the toddler can’t find two matching shoes anywhere {even though she just had them in her hand} as you are running out the door and already twenty minutes late – it’s okay to laugh. When you desperately need a night away and you sit in a bubble bath all by yourself and it feels like a Hawaiian vacation – it’s okay to enjoy it! When you are cleaning your house, making dinner and trying to put away the laundry – it’s okay to have fun with it!
“The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.” {Marjorie Pay Hinckley}
7. YOU LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY: Lastly, but probably most importantly, is the constant love that you show in your home that makes the biggest difference of all. There is no love like a mothers love – it’s that love that your little will remember forever. And it’s that love that will change the world.
So don’t worry that it is 5pm and you haven’t taken a shower today. Don’t worry that you are wearing the same shirt you wore yesterday and the day before. Don’t worry about getting the kids into the car and out the door first thing in the morning… because you are making a difference! You are changing the world! Right there. Right in your house. Right where you are.
“We must never lose sight of the strength of women. It is mothers who most directly affect the lives of their children…their influence is paramount.” {Gordon B. Hinckley}
Samantha burns
August 12, 2015 at 2:34 am (10 years ago)Love to hear that the craziness isn’t just in my home. I love being a mom. You are right about it being hard but the benefits are totally worth the missing showers, messy hair, and dirty clothes!
I love being able to be there for my daughter and my husband.