How To Avoid Weight Gain During The Holidays | Today's the Best Day

How To Avoid Weight Gain During The Holidays

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” – Doesn’t that just make you want to start singing Christmas carols?! I LOVE this season and I am so excited for everything it brings! The decorations, the clothes, the family time, the love, the happiness… and of course I am SO looking forward to the holidays this year because I am a mom. I feel like the holidays are DOUBLE the fun once you have a kid to celebrate with, do you agree?!

If you are anything like me, your clothes are already feeling a little tighter because Halloween just passed! We went trick-or-treating and brought home TONS of candy and I have a really hard time keeping my hand out of the jar. I am ADDICTED to chocolate. And anything chewy. And sour things. And oh goodness… I guess I am a sucker for it ALL!

Luckily, I am married to a health MASTER who can keep me in line and help so I don’t gain weight during the holidays. He has shared some tips and tricks with me that WORK and I am so excited to share them with you for this season!

So many times when we think of losing weight or avoiding gaining weight, our minds tell us we need to cut all sugar and sweets out of our diets – but guess what?! That isn’t true!

In fact, we have come up with 10 super easy tips to help you avoid weight gain during the holidays without having to skip your favorite foods!

How To Avoid Weight Gain During The Holidays - Without Skipping Your Favorite Foods!

1. SET GOALS: First things first – think about what you want to achieve. Where you want to be. How you want to feel. It is always so important to work towards something so you can feel accomplished at the end and be proud of yourself!

Write your goals down and put them somewhere that you will see them everyday, like on your bathroom mirror or refrigerator door. If your goal is not gain weight be sure to know your daily calorie limit and set goals to avoid going over.

2. USE A SMALL PLATE: What happens when we use a large plate? We fill it up to the max and think we need to eat it all, right? Go for a small plate and keep your portions in control. Avoid making return trips to the buffet line. Fill your smaller plate with your favorites and don’t have more than one serving. It is okay to have a cupcake or a cookie as long as your not filling large platefuls of multiple servings. Control your portions, don’t let your portions control you!

3. EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE: Get your body moving! Go for a walk or run – if it is too cold {which is very likely! I am already freezing here!}, get a gym membership or try a work-out at home. Having exercise in your routine frees up area for holiday calories. A piece of pie always feels guilt free going down after a brisk morning work out. Check out this super easy beginner Crossfit workout you can check out here. Be active and get your exercise in and you’ll still feel great even if you have a few extra goodies.

lorna jane 2

4. DRINK 2 GLASSES OF WATER BEFORE EVERY MEAL: Water is such an amazing thing. Our bodies are made up of 60-70% of this great stuff! Drinking 2 glasses of water before your feast of foods can help curb your appetite and encourage you to eat less. Health authorities often suggest drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, which equals about 2 liters! That is a lot – so drink 2 before every meal and not only will you get your recommended daily dose of water but you’ll be preventing yourself from over eating too.

5. REWARD DAY: Often times when we go on “diets” we push all sweets and our favorite treats away. Ironically enough, it is because of this food avoidance that we relapse and one day just splurge on our favorite treats because we have missed them so much! By creating a reward day, it not only helps so you don’t do this, but it gives you a day to look forward to. Try to eat as healthy as possible 6 days out of the week and then choose a day for your “Reward Day” where you can allow yourself to eat those foods {in moderate portions} you have been craving all week!

6. DON’T DRINK YOUR CALORIES: Oh, you know that delicious drink that comes out around the holidays? EGG NOG?! SO good right?! It’s okay to enjoy your favorite beverage but don’t forget that Egg Nog, Sodas and other special drinks are full of calories – just because it is a drink, doesn’t mean it won’t cause you to gain weight.

7. DON’T SKIP MEALS: The holidays are a BUSY time of year! Running everywhere and always on the go! You may think by skipping breakfast or lunch you will be fine – but in reality, it can actually cause you to GAIN weight! Your body thinks you are “starving” yourself so it stores fat for later. To avoid storing the excess holiday calories be sure to keep your metabolism burning all day by fueling your body and not skipping meals.

8. EAT 5 TIMES A DAY: We are always taught to eat 3 times a day, but the best thing for our bodies is to actually eat 5 times a day! Now, that doesn’t mean to have steak and shakes 5 times a day or a few cookies and chocolate milk but instead to eat 5 healthy snacks/meals 5 times a day. This helps your body fuel your metabolism and also helps you avoid overeating at meal times.

I suggest to even set your alarm on your phone to remind you to eat. While on the go, bring a snack in your purse and eat it while sitting in the parking lot waiting for your kids to get out of school or on your drive to the grocery store. It is easy to forget and lose track of time, so setting an alarm helps so much!

9. DRESS YOUR BEST {Avoid eating in sweats}: When we eat in sweats, we feel comfortable and can eat and eat and eat. That is why sometimes I like to wear my stretchy pants to Thanksgiving dinner! 🙂 BUT by wearing clothes that don’t stretch, you can easily tell when you are full.

Lora Jane Outfit

10. FIND AN ACCOUNTABILITY BUDDY: Probably one of the most important things on this list – a buddy. When we have someone who is holding us accountable for our goals, it is easier to achieve them. Ask for help from a spouse, a co-worker or friend. Tell them your goals and check-in with them weekly on your progress. If they want to be conscious of their bodies over the holidays too, have them join you! Work out together. Create a friendly competition. And make it fun!

The holidays are SO much fun and I am excited for this exciting time of year full of yummy treats and amazing meals! As you keep these 10 tips in mind over the next few months, you aren’t going to have any problems at all! And I promise… you can bring on the sugar cookies and egg not and be JUST fine!

Special thanks to Lorna Jane for this super cute workout outfit! Don’t you love it!? By far the comfiest and cutest activewear in my closet – I want to wear it all day, everyday! Make sure you check out their website AND if you are in Vegas, check out their brand new store located in the Fashion Show Mall! They just had their grand opening! You will LOVE. I promise! 

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3 Comments on How To Avoid Weight Gain During The Holidays

  1. Chloe Dobie
    December 8, 2014 at 6:42 pm (10 years ago)

    Really great tips for the holidays! I feel these tips make it easier for people to stay on track even after the holidays. It is always comforting to know you can still indulge in your holiday favorites, without the extra pounds! Thanks!

  2. Jen @ Simple
    November 4, 2014 at 1:38 pm (10 years ago)

    I definitely needed this! I have been trying so hard to lose the weight I gained during pregnancy, so these tips will help me not gain back those pounds I have worked so hard to lose!

  3. Jaime Nicole
    November 4, 2014 at 2:03 am (10 years ago)

    These are great tips! Definitely sharing 🙂


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