Many of you know how I started this blog. As crazy as it sounds – I honestly just woke up one day with the idea! I had been looking for a way to share with others my love for motherhood and I thought a blog would be a great way to do so. I wanted to share my journey as a first-time mom to my miracle baby with our friends and family!
It didn’t take long for the blog to grow. In fact, I received so much support from all of you that I decided to make it a little bigger and to allow it to become something I could have never imagined! This blog has become my favorite thing. It has become my passion. It has been my way of sharing my joy of motherhood with not only my friends and family, but with the world. For that, I am eternally grateful.
For those of you that do not know, blogging takes a lot of time and a lot of dedication. I had no idea! It started off as something I did for fun when I had a spare moment, but has quickly turned into a full time hobby… or may even a full time job, but I call it a hobby because I love it so much! A lot of people have asked me how I find the time to blog seven days a week with a little one at home. This question inspired me to write today’s post: HOW TO BLOG WITH A BABY!

1. SET YOUR GOALS: First things first. You HAVE to set goals. You have to decide who your audience is? How often do you want to blog? Do you want it to be a side hobby? Do you want it to be a full-time job? Whatever the reasoning is behind your blog, whether it is your passion for writing or you are trying to make some extra money to pay the bills, set your goals.
2. CREATE A SCHEDULE: This is one of the most important steps in blogging with a baby. You have to create a schedule or you will be ALL over the place. There is a LOT that goes into becoming a blogger! Not only do you have a website to manage, you have to write up posts, edit pictures, publish the posts, share on Facebook, post on Instagram, tweet on Twitter, share on Google+, pin on Pinterest, network like crazy, answer emails, edit comments and somehow this is only supposed to take one hour because you have a family to take care of. Well, I am here to tell you it takes a LOT longer than an hour so setting a schedule is crucial.
For example, I only like to blog while Laila is sleeping, so I wake up before she does to check my emails and post my daily deal. Then during nap time, I publish my post for the day, put it all over Social Media and prepare a future daily deal. I also try to network during this time. At night when she is asleep, I write posts and edit pictures. I try not to work too much at night as I have a husband to be with as well… so if we are busy with family activities, I save the posts and pictures for the following day during nap time.
3. PLAN AHEAD: It is VERY important to plan ahead. I learned this the hard way in the beginning. You will think of the most awesome posts in the most random places! Have a notebook or a section on your phone that you can write down your ideas that come to you in the shower or walking around the grocery store. I have a whole list of my ideas that come to me on my phone. Once I get home, I put them on my calendar, so every day I know what I will be posting.
Another thing that has helped so much with planning ahead is having a weekly meeting. My husband and I co-manage this blog, even though you don’t see him. (Shout out to my man! He is amazing.) He does ALL of the website design and behind the scenes work. We sit down once a week and plan. We discuss what was successful that week, what we need to change this week and our daily posts coming up. It has made a huge difference in the success of our blog.
4. BE FLEXIBLE: If you are blogging with a baby, you have to remember you have a baby. Babies will be babies and sometimes they are unpredictable! Like I mentioned, I only like to blog while she naps – but I can’t guarantee she will take a three hour nap every single day. Sometimes she is sick, sometimes she gets hurt, sometimes she doesn’t want to sleep. And that is okay. You have to be willing to understand that they don’t understand what you are trying to accomplish and it isn’t their fault. Be flexible – even if that means you have to wake up a little earlier the next day to finish answering emails or editing a picture.
5. FAMILY FIRST: The last, but most important point is to remember what is most important. I am blogging to moms around the world, how to make every day the best day for our families. I don’t think if I was on my computer all day and let Laila just sit and watch movies while I ignored her, that I would be setting a very good example on making every day the best day for her. Remember to slow down. Your family is what is most important. That includes your spouse. Sometimes at night I feel like I have to “just do this one thing” that ends up taking much longer than I expected. Remember to close the computer. Make a memory with your family. The blog can come later.
Blogging is a fun adventure! I have a lot of friends who have been thinking about starting blogs and they ask me what I think. I tell them all the same thing – DO IT! It is amazing! I haven’t been this passionate about something in a long time and it feels good! It is my escape to the real world. I hang out with a one year old all day – it is fun to communicate with adults every now and then. Blogging with a baby is possible! It is busy, time consuming and a lot of work. I stay up late and wake up early just to get posts out. BUT if I can do – anyone can! Go out there and make a difference in the world and if you can do that by blogging – I 100% support you!
Don’t forget to share! —
Amanda @ The Oilfield Mom Survival Guide
August 27, 2014 at 3:41 am (11 years ago)The post was written just for me. Seriously!
July 7, 2014 at 2:33 pm (11 years ago)Love this post! Great tips
Thanks for sharing xxx
Katie Clark
March 5, 2014 at 6:21 am (11 years ago)Love, love, love this! I completely agree with everything you said. I, too, make it a goal to try and do only blogging things while Jack is asleep. I especially loved when you said:
” I am blogging to moms around the world, how to make every day the best day for our families. I don’t think if I was on my computer all day and let Laila just sit and watch movies while I ignored her, that I would be setting a very good example on making every day the best day for her”
So true!
Me And My Mini Me
March 5, 2014 at 1:56 am (11 years ago)This is a terrific post because blogging is a full time job. I always say it’s like my second baby and it’s by no means easy. Especially when you’re a single mom, full-time student and work for a living. But if you love to do it than you put in the time and effort. I am so happy to see how far your blog has come, it’s one of my favorite blogs and I hop on almost daily to see what amazing thing you’ll share next. You’re an inspiration Danielle. I know you and you’re blog will go very far.
March 4, 2014 at 10:42 pm (11 years ago)I really liked this post! I don’t think people realize when I have time to blog, but really… it’s all about timing. My little one is napping now so I’m catching up with my FB groups! I wake up early to do my blogging as well, take pictures on weekends during the day, and write/schedule things at night. Loved your advice! I feel like I need to share it with my family and friends so they understand!
Mary Widdicks
March 4, 2014 at 10:35 pm (11 years ago)Great advice! I, too, blog with a baby and a three year old home all day. It is definitely challenging. On the other hand, I have constant inspiration
Krystal Bernier
March 4, 2014 at 9:38 pm (11 years ago)Great tips, these are good for any blogger. It’s important to be organized
Carolyn Jennings
March 4, 2014 at 9:36 pm (11 years ago)This was a great post with really helpful tips (and a cute picture to boot). I have a baby and a toddler and am only able to post twice a week and even that is hard sometimes!
March 4, 2014 at 9:23 pm (11 years ago)Great tips. I’ve got a similar topic coming up on my blog, but it’s about blogging without the internet.
Blogging is certainly a fun adventure.. Stressful at times, but so worth it.
March 4, 2014 at 8:49 pm (11 years ago)Thank you for this post! This is something I struggle with every day as a “new” blogger. I am always very impressed by all you get done and how much you’ve grown. My most difficult challenge has been finding a blogging schedule that works around every day life which is so unpredictable. I try to take my daughter to play dates, do errands, shop, etc. Her napping isn’t consistent either. But quite frankly, I think I get easily distracted by social media, an article, a post, etc. I need to use a timer, I think. It’s awesome that your hubby does the behind the scenes work and is in it with you 100%. Mine has no interest, so I do all the technical stuff as well. Congrats on all your success!!! I love this blog