I Am Not The Mom I Thought I Would Be - Facts About Moms | Today's the Best Day

I Am Not The Mom I Thought I Would Be – Facts About Moms

A few years ago, I was standing in line at the grocery store when a 2-year-old in front of me was begging his mom for a bag of candy he was holding is his hands. The mom told him that he needed to put it back and that he could have a piece of candy from their collection at home. As you know, a two-year-old does not like to be told “no” so he started crying…hysterically. The mom was frazzled and started to lose her patience with the boy. As I watched it all play out, I thought in my head, “When I am a mom, I will NEVER be like that.”

That wasn’t the first and only time I thought that. I thought I would NEVER lose my temper. I thought I would NEVER have to say no. I thought my baby would NEVER cry. I thought I would NEVER look like a hot mess. I thought my life was going to be flawless as a mom! … But I have learned a lot the past year and a half and have come to the conclusion that I am NOT the mom I thought I would be. In fact, I have learned a lot of facts about moms that I thought I would share with you.

I am not the mom I thought I would be - 15 Facts About Moms


1. MOMS MAY NOT ALWAYS BE PATIENT, BUT THEY SURE TRY THEIR HARDEST: My patience has been tested a lot in my life. In fact our family motto is “The best things in life are worth waiting for.” I thought after I finally had a baby and became a mom, my patience was at it’s peek and I would never lose it again. I have learned that being patient is hard for moms. Trying to juggle so many roles is a challenge and patience is truly a virtue. No matter how hard a mom tries, tempers can still be lost.

2. MOMS KNOW WHAT LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT REALLY MEANS: I always thought I knew what “love at first sight” meant, but the moment they laid my newborn baby in my arms, I immediately knew what love at first sight felt like. I felt like I knew her. I had waited for her for so long and I was absolutely in love… instantly!

3. MOMS ARE DIRTY, NO MATTER HOW OFTEN THEY SHOWER: I always thought when I saw moms that were dirty they were gross. It didn’t take long for me to be “that mom” that had poop on her pants, shirt and sometimes even in my hair. Being dirty is just a part of you when you become a mom.

4. MOMS UNDERSTAND EVEN WHEN THERE ARE NO WORDS: When I would hear kids jibber-jabber and their moms would say, “Oh! She just said that a dog says ruff and a cow says moo and recited the alphabet,” I would look at them and think they were crazy. As an outsider, all it was, was a bunch of mumbles. But now I know, that moms really do understand their children! They understand what they need and want, even if they don’t speak.

5. MOMS HAVE HARD DAYS, EVEN IF THEY CAN’T EXPLAIN WHY: I always thought, “How could staying at home with a baby all day be THAT hard? You just get to play all day!” I was wrong. Being at home all day with a baby is a ton of work. You are taking care of another human being! That in itself is hard!

6. MOMS LOVE HUGS AND KISSES…PROBABLY MORE THAN ANYTHING: I thought giving up a paycheck would be rough, because let’s be honest – having money is nice. 🙂 BUT, I have learned that hugs and kisses are the BEST paycheck in the whole entire world – truly priceless. Sometimes I have to steal my hugs and kisses, but I still get them every single day {even if I have to be a creeper mom and sneak into her room at night while she is sleeping and kiss her}.

7. MOMS LOVE BED TIME AND THERE ISN’T ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT: Speaking of sneaking into her room at night – moms LOVE bed time and that is TOTALLY fine! I use to think it was crazy that moms liked putting their kids to bed. No. Having that alone time with the husband at night is incredible and needed.

8. MOMS ARE POWERFUL; MORE POWERFUL THAN THEY KNOW: I love the quote by Boyd K. Packer,  “There are few things more powerful than the faithful prayers of a righteous mother.” Moms are so powerful in their homes – they truly are the glue that keeps everyone together. What we say and how we act, has a complete affect on everyone under the roof of our home.

9. MOMS NEED QUIET TIME AND THE TV IS OKAY TOO: I couldn’t stand when I saw moms just put their kids in front of the tv to keep them busy, and now I am SO that mom. If I am doing the dishes and my baby is trying to “help” by pulling all of the knives out of the dishwasher, I will totally plop her on the couch and turn on cartoons. I learned that that is completely okay and there is nothing wrong with that. With the craziness a house can get, it is nice to sit in front of the tv and have some quiet time watching a movie every now and then.

10. MOMS DON’T REALLY LOVE CLEANING EVEN IF IT LOOKS LIKE THEY DO: I remember when I was little I would always tell people my mom’s favorite thing to do was clean! I also thought as soon as I became a mom cleaning dust would be sprinkled on me and I suddenly would be a magical cleaning fairy that LOVED to clean. Sadly, that didn’t and doesn’t happen. Moms love to have clean houses and we do clean a lot, but it doesn’t mean we love actually doing it.

11. MOMS CAN’T ALWAYS GET READY EVEN IF THEY WANT TO: I always thought I would get ready every day and look like a perfect, flawless mom. I quickly learned after I became a mom that even when I have the greatest intentions to do my hair – it sometimes doesn’t happen.

12. MOM CARS ARE ACTUALLY THE HARDEST THINGS TO KEEP CLEAN IN THE WORLD: This one makes me smile. I use to judge moms when I opened the car door and they said, “Okay! Hop in!” And there were smashed fishy crackers, old McDonald’s cups and torn books everywhere… I am so embarrassed to say, I understand them now. Mom cars are THE hardest things in the world to keep clean! Even if I vacuum the whole thing out, within a few days it looks like another tornado came through.

13. MOMS ARE INFLUENCERS IN THEIR FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES: When I think of moms, I think of what a HUGE influence they have not only in their families, but in their communities. Think about the influence a mom has had in your life. I can list SO man moms that have made me who I am today. “Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever”

Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while but their hearts forever

14. MOMS MAKE MISTAKES AND THAT IS NORMAL: I always thought moms who didn’t parent exactly like I thought I would parent, were doing it wrong, but it is so true that “there is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one.” We all parent different and all have different views, but it doesn’t mean that anyone is wrong. We each make mistakes, which gives up opportunities to grow and learn.

15. MOMS EXPERIENCE THE GREATEST HAPPINESS OF ALL: Motherhood is by far the most rewarding and happiness-bringing role a woman can hold in this life. It is just simply, the BEST.

Every day something happens and I realize I am NOT the mom that I ever thought I would be. I make mistakes, I lose my temper, I get dirty and I am so obsessed with my child it is so ridiculous. Even if I am not the mom I thought I would be, I wouldn’t change a THING.

Are you a mom or do you love your mom? Don’t forget to share! —

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15 Comments on I Am Not The Mom I Thought I Would Be – Facts About Moms

  1. Ashleigh Mcmahon
    March 6, 2015 at 5:27 am (10 years ago)

    Hey there! I found your cute post on Pinterest and came over! How darling are you. I love that you are realizing the reality of mom hood and taking it graciously with you. For that you’ll be a mommy success!!

    • Danielle Davis
      March 10, 2015 at 10:31 pm (10 years ago)

      Hi Ashleigh, you are so nice. Thank you for your sweet comment.

  2. Ashley
    June 5, 2014 at 2:20 pm (11 years ago)

    I am not a mom yet, but I love your blog and love all of your posts about motherhood. This is beautiful. I love the pictures of you and your little girl.

    <3 Ash

  3. Kelsey
    June 4, 2014 at 11:59 pm (11 years ago)

    Oh, I so agree. I was that girl who was well educated on children and babies, but didn’t actually have any..now I just want to brutally assault them ;] I am horribly impatient, but with my son and other kids I have grown s lot with patience, you just have to, they are still learning! & I soooo was just thinking about my van today on the way to work. I literally just cleaned it last week and its worse now then it was then…

    • Kelsey
      June 5, 2014 at 12:00 am (11 years ago)

      To be clear, I want to assault know-it all people without children, not children themselves! ;P

  4. Emily
    June 4, 2014 at 1:17 pm (11 years ago)

    I’m not a mom yet but I babysit regularly and that has given me a tiny glimpse into motherhood such as always being dirty. yesterday I jumped out of the shower as my sister got here to bring me her 1 and 3 year old. I changed the baby’s diaper and literally not even 10 minutes later I noticed my shirt felt wet where she was up against my side/hip. Somehow her diaper leaked all over her shorts and her shirt even though I had just put it on her! & her diaper brand is one of two expensive ones which I thought never leaked. The only thing I can guess is that the leg elastic wasn’t positioned correctly or something it was strange. The baby is really clingy so I can’t really ‘get away’ even for 5 minutes so I just changed shirts and used a washcloth to wipe myself down a bit and then waited until they left to shower again. Yuck.

    • Danielle Davis
      June 4, 2014 at 7:14 pm (11 years ago)

      Emily it sounds like you had a great crash course in being a mom. Every day is a fun surprise of new adventures that you never thought you’d be experiencing. It’s so nice of you to babysit for your sister. I hope you will follow us as you one day become a mom. Thanks so much for your comment.

  5. Marisela
    June 4, 2014 at 3:17 am (11 years ago)

    You hit the nail on the head with all of these. I especially thought I wouldn’t be the type to let my kid watch videos. That is my sanity saver more often than not. Fortunately, my little one has learned lots through watching videos . . . about 90% of which are good things 🙂

    • Danielle Davis
      June 4, 2014 at 7:11 pm (11 years ago)

      Thanks for your kind words Marisela. I am definitely with you on watching videos. I never thought I would do it but like you said, it’s a sanity saver. Thanks for your comment.

  6. Angela Johnson
    June 4, 2014 at 3:15 am (11 years ago)

    I AM NOT THE MOM I THOUGHT I WOULD BE – FACTS ABOUT MOMS: I am pretty close to the mom I thought I would be. Being in the field of early childhood education for so many years before having kids gave me more realistic expectations. Of course, there are plenty of things I didn’t think I would do that MY kid brings out in me . Great tips and things to think about!

    • Danielle Davis
      June 4, 2014 at 7:06 pm (11 years ago)

      Thanks Angela. I am so happy that you are the great mom you expected to be. Your kids are lucky to have you! Thanks for your comment.

  7. heather
    June 3, 2014 at 10:28 pm (11 years ago)

    It’s always easy to be a great mom when they aren’t your own kids, isnt’ it? I sooo learned that one quickly! 😉

  8. katy
    June 3, 2014 at 8:52 pm (11 years ago)

    This is so true. I always used to look at other mums and their kids and be a little judgmental but now I smile if I see a child throwing a tantrum as I know the same happens to me and that is ok.

    • Danielle Davis
      June 4, 2014 at 7:15 pm (11 years ago)

      Katy, I have definitely been that mom with the tantrum throwing kid. Maybe you have smiled at me a few times. Have you ever been to Wal-Mart? lol.

  9. Ana Lynn
    June 3, 2014 at 8:48 pm (11 years ago)

    So true. I can relate to most of the things you stated in your post (except the one about moms cleaning – my mom rarely cleaned herself, she always had a lady come to our house and do it). Unfortunately, I can’t afford a cleaning lady so most of the cleaning is done by me, and hubby pitches in to when he can.

    I may not be a perfect flawless mom however I am doing the best I can and that’s okay.


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