If A Mom Decides To Make Herself Lunch | Today's the Best Day

If A Mom Decides To Make Herself Lunch

Have you read the “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” books? We love those books. Today, I decided to write my own short story in that style. I call it “If a Mom Tries to Make Herself Lunch.”


If A Mom Decided To Make Herself Lunch - A funny story in the style of If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

Photo by Brittany Busk Photography 

If a mom has had a very rough day, she will try to make herself a late lunch.

When she opens the fridge, her children will be immediately be seized by a gripping hunger. She will get them each a cup of yogurt.

After settling them at the table, she will return to the fridge. And her phone will ring.

When she answers her phone, it will be her husband, needed her to look up something on the internet. She will leave the room for a moment to use her computer.

As she finishes her talk with her husband, her little man will run into the room, crying. As she goes to pick him up, she will notice the yogurt on his face. And hands. And shirt. And shorts. And in his hair and eyes (hence the crying). And on her bedspread.

And she scoops him up and follows the trail of yogurt splatters into the kitchen, she will find yogurt on the table, chair, floor, and windowsill.

She will try very hard not to holler.

As she tries very hard not to holler, she will strip the baby naked and lecture big sister on not just sitting there and watching her brother make a mess.

As she lectures big sister, she will notice something on big sister’s face.

Streaks of yogurt … carefully, but not thoroughly, cleaned off.

The lecture will turn up in intensity a bit as both kids are now getting stripped for the tub.

When both kids are about to get in the tub, she will grab a bag of croutons (her new late lunch) and her computer, to distract her from her about-to-explode head, as she sits next to the bathtub.

After a few moments of sitting next to the bathtub, she will realize there are a few … things … floating in the water that do not fit in the “toy” category.

She will gag, scoop the kids out of the tub, gag harder, clean it out, gag hardest, put the kids back in, and begin composing this little story to keep her sane.

She will remove the kids from the tub, dress them, send them to bed, and get onto Facebook, hoping that sharing this story will get her some empathy.

When she is almost done, her internet will freeze.

When her internet freezes, she will almost give up. But she will persist, write her story in Word, copy and paste, and then hop into the bathtub with a book and some ice cream.

Because if you give a mom a very rough day … she’ll probably still want lunch.

Meet-KimberKimber is a wife and a mom of two beautiful kids. Her family and her faith are the most important things in her life. She loves Dairy Queen Blizzards, she gets really excited when she finds a good deal, and nothing soothes her soul quite like the ocean does. Check out her website Let’s Do Some Good Today

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