Why I Lie To My Kids About Santa Claus | Today's the Best Day

Why I Lie To My Kids About Santa Claus

Being a mom is such a special, yet interesting experience.

From the moment you announce that you are pregnant, the differentiating opinions start FLYING your way. Whether it is what to eat, how to sleep, what medications to take or how often you should go to the doctor – everyone has a different opinion.

As the nine months fly by, you will find yourself and your growing belly getting closer and closer to your due date, as you start hearing more and more opinions. This time it will be opinions on how to give birth, why you “NEED” to breastfeed and even why you should or shouldn’t co-sleep with your new baby.

The truth is – everyone has an opinion and whether you want to hear it or not – it’s coming. And to be honest, it doesn’t stop after your baby is born or even after you celebrate their first, second or even seventh birthday. There is always, ALWAYS going to be another person who has an opinion who thinks you need to hear it.

This time of year there is a whole lot of “mom talk” going around about the reason for the season, how big is “too big” to celebrate Christmas and of course the most popular man of discussion – Santa Claus.

You see, here is the deal. I will be the first to tell you how much I love and believe in Santa. For nearly three decades {woah that dates me!} Santa Claus has come to my home every single Christmas morning. I love the spirit of Christmas he brings in our home and as a mom I have loved carrying on this tradition even MORE!

But I was recently asked the question that made me think about this “Santa Claus discussion”, when a friend asked, “So…you think it is okay to LIE to you children?”

Her question took me by surprise…because honestly, I never saw jolly old St. Nicholas as being a “lie” to my children.

In answer to her question today, I would like to tell you just a few of the main reasons why this mom DOES “lie” to her children about the big friendly guy in the red suit.


1. IT’S THE LIGHT IN THEIR EYES: And I honestly can’t explain the joy this light in their eyes can bring to your mommy heart, until you experience it yourself. It’s the MOST wonderful time of the year – and oh so, so magical. We live in a crazy world these days. A harsh world full of negativity and hate – But what does the world need now? The world needs children. Innocent, loving, exciting children with the BELIEF in something happy.

Seeing our children light up at the idea of Santa reminds me that the spirit of giving, the spirit of make believe, the spirit of having an imagination, the spirit of kindness – is not dead and it doesn’t ever have to be.

2. IT’S THE MAGIC THAT THEY FEEL: Have you ever taken your kids to Disneyland?! Do you remember the magic you felt as you walked into the theme park as your child squealed with excitement?! They genuinely believed that those dressed up characters were and are the REAL DEAL! That Elsa is the REAL Elsa from Arendelle and that Peter Pan is the REAL Peter that is off to Neverland.

The magic Santa brings during this Christmas season is NOT to take away from the spirit of Christ or the celebration of our Savior’s birth – but more so, to add to the spirit of giving and the magic of love and service to others.

3. IT’S A GREAT WAY FOR THEM TO BEHAVE FOR A MONTH: haha! Just kidding. Oh wait, maybe I’m not. 🙂 But let’s be real – what mom wouldn’t mind teaching her kids to behave because Santa knows all and is always watching. A little bribery never hurt anyone. AND going along with this, can we talk about how the Elf on the Shelf tradition has made my girl finally sleep in her own bed?! I mean – HALLELUJAH that little elf may be staying all year long! 😉

4. IT’S ABOUT LETTING THEM BE LITTLE: “Let them be little…” One of my favorite quotes and I believe a very important reminder in all aspects of motherhood. Children naturally believe in Santa and his reindeer. They are naturally born with loving, innocent, hopeful and faithful spirits – and they believe in pretty much everything that they hear. It is what society and us as parents do and say, that completely change that. I heard once, “the longer we can help them hold onto those innocent spirits they came here with, the better.” and I could NOT agree more.

5. HE ISN’T MAKE BELIEVE… HE IS REAL: He isn’t just a made up man who wears a red suit and comes down your chimney with flying reindeer who lives in the North Pole. My mom always told me the spirit of Santa Claus is real – that St. Nicholas is real. You can read his story HERE.

I love him and everything he stood for that was good in the Christian faith – with moral and spiritual life lessons…not lies.

I love what he has taught me and I hope will teach my children. He was a hard worker and so many people looked up to him! When he became a bishop, he wore a red cloak and a red hat. At night he would leave food and gifts for his people, so they had special surprises when they woke up! Just as he did, we do now. I love that Santa is real and that he can continue to be real for as long as we want!

6. THEY AREN’T LITTLE FOREVER: Why does time go SO STINKIN’ FAST?! It seriously goes TOO fast – and I feel like as soon as you become a mom, time goes by one hundred million times faster! It seems like yesterday I was announcing I was pregnant with a miracle baby and suddenly I almost have a FOUR year old!

So – what does this have to do with Santa? Well, because the truth is, our children aren’t children forever. They grow so fast and it is only a matter of time when they will realize that you are Santa. BUT it doesn’t have to be a traumatizing experience of how you “lied” to them – it can actually become a really sweet experience for the two of you like this idea here. You can make it fun and exciting for them – and to challenge them to become Santa and to carry on the spirit of giving and serving others in disguise.

7. HE DOESN’T TAKE AWAY FROM THE REAL MEANING: Throughout the entire month of December, there are so many wonderful ways to bring CHRIST into Christmas – because as we know, He is the reason for the season. In fact, it is my hope that we bring Christ into our homes every day of the year, not just around this season. Incorporating both Santa and the Savior into Christmas is absolutely possible.

One of my favorite decorations my mom put out every December in our home was a little figurine of Santa kneeling by baby Jesus. Even Santa believes in our Savior and knows the real meaning of the season.

Santa and Jesus

Photo from Bed Bath And Beyond 

8. YOU’RE NEVER TOO OLD TO BELIEVE: Because Santa Claus isn’t just about a man who we write letters to, sit on his lap, tell him what we want, leave out cookies for and get presents from. Santa is so much more than that.

As Roald Dahl said, “Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

So in answer to your question as to why I “lie” to my children about Santa – well… it’s simple.

It is because I believe.

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1 Comment on Why I Lie To My Kids About Santa Claus

  1. Tina
    December 14, 2016 at 4:38 am (8 years ago)

    Thank for this writing this beautiful piece. I couldn’t agree more. We just had this discussion in Sunday school last week. Your words really spoke to my heart. Keep believing!


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