A Life Changing Truth, Taught By A Kindergartener | Today's the Best Day

A Life Changing Truth, Taught By A Kindergartener

My girl walked in the door last week with a piece of paper that stated that she was selected to be the LEADER OF THE MONTH and my mommy heart just about melted!

Being a leader is so exciting! To have other people look up to you and follow your example is a super big deal!

I went to bed that night and started wondering what kind of leader I hope that my daughter will be. As she grows older, she will quickly learn that there are a lot of different types of people in her school class, dance class, soccer team, church, neighborhood and community. And as she interacts with all of them, she will also quickly learn that everyone has different personalities, strengths and weaknesses.

What is super exciting about the world we live in though, is that all of us can become whatever we want to become! Our sons and daughters that we are raising, can literally be whatever and whoever they can imagine!

They can totally be the POPULAR girl. The one who has all the friends and what seems to be all the confidence in the world.

They can absolutely be the STRAIT A girl. The one who doesn’t get anything less than a 100% on every homework assignment, essay and test.

They can be the TALENTED girl. The one that seems to be able to do it all, from singing to sports to dancing to acting.

And of course they can be the MEAN girl. The one who makes fun, teases and points fingers at other kids on the playground.

As I laid in bed, thinking and dreaming of the leadership potential in our children’s lives – I was wondering what kind of girl I was raising.

Is she popular? Is she the smartest kid in her class? Is she the most talented?

The next day our little family was invited to go into her classroom to celebrate her amazing accomplishment! I was already so proud of her, like I said, but the experience we had in that little colorful classroom was the ultimate cherry on top for me as a mom.

What I was about to experience changed me.

The fellow students were invited to raise their hands and say one thing they LOVE about my girl – I was so excited to hear what they were going to say! But I wasn’t prepared for their sweetest words that were spoken.

The little girl in the front row and braids with pink bows shot her hand up and said, “I love that you are the NICEST friend I have ever had in my whole entire life!”

The little boy in the middle with his shirt untucked and messy hair from playing in the playground shot his hand up and quietly said, “You are really nice and kind to me.”

The little girl on the right in the cute dress and pony tail shot her hand up and said, “I like that you make me happy and are really nice.”

One after another – their little innocent voices and words made me cry.

If i could raise any kind of girl – I want to raise the NICE and KIND girl! Not the most popular. Not the one with straight As. Not the most talented or the one with the most friends.

But the KINDEST.

The one that is a friend to EVERYONE! The one that makes everyone feel loved! And important! And happy! The one who will stand up for what she believes! And will stand up for herself! And for the outcasts! The one that will play with you at recess, sit by you at lunch and make you feel important.

In a world where we can be anything – BE KIND.

And then I realized – I don’t just want to raise a daughter that is kind. And a son that is kind. But I hope we, as the moms, will also be kind.

As adults, there is still the popular girl…we all know her. The one who dresses perfect and has all the friends.

As adults, there is still the strait A perfect girl…we all know her. She is smart, confident and has all the answers.

As adults, there is still the talented girl…we all know her. She can literally do it all and is an awesome helper.

And as adults, there is even still the mean girl…we all know her. The one who gossips, makes fun and belittles other people’s image, parenting and self worth.

But as adults, who do WE want to be?

I know…

A KIND leader. A KIND mom. A KIND wife. A KIND friend. A KIND Instagram influencer. A KIND Instagram follower. A KIND neighbor. A KIND stranger.

In a world where we can be anything – no matter where we live, how much money we make, our marital status, what we look like or even how old we are…from a Kindergartener to 100 years old – may we all BE KIND.

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