So excited to have a guest post by my cute husband! He is always the BEST!! Here he is…
I sat in the middle of a classroom encircled by my fellow classmates in one of my first business courses in college.
My professor had 3 or 4 boom boxes sitting on stands throughout the room. The challenge I was given was to listen to instruction given to me and then repeat the information back. It seemed like a pretty simple task.
The professor began giving instruction and as he did he turned up the volume on the boom boxes. As the volume rose, the professor progressively became harder to hear. Eventually, no matter how hard I tried to focus on the instruction given, I just could not hear what was being said. My ears could not focus on the important information because it was being drowned out with all the noise surrounding me.
What was the moral?
On a daily basis we all suit up to go to battle against a sea of competing voices that are vigorously reaching for our attention. Like the music from the boom boxes in my class, we face multiple sources of noise all claiming to be sources of truth. In our married lives we can sometimes get caught up in all of this noise and forget the one’s who are the most important to us.
I know as a man and husband the stress of everyday life can sometimes take a toll on me. Pressures from my daily responsibilities can cause me to get lost in the noise and struggle to focus on the importance of my family.
Fortunately during this war of words and opinions I have been blessed with an incredibly effective tool that helps me find good in every day. As I take on new obstacles and strive to do good, my wife is my greatest ally and friend.
By definition an ally is one who is joined with another for a common purpose. When a couple takes the plunge and decides they want to spend the rest of forever together they make a promise to each other that they will be there for each other and in essence are becoming a team that joins together to tackle life’s greatest challenges as a single unit.
Early in our marriage my wife and I had an experience that illustrates this point. We had rented a kayak with our friends and had set out to kayak up the Colorado river. We quickly learned the importance of team work. As we put our kayak in the water we were subject to many of nature’s forces such as the current and wind that attempted to push us away from our ultimate goal.
It was difficult to find rhythm together. We struggled to understand that “me” would not get the job done but “we” could. Eventually after our learning curve problem we were able to work together and had an amazing afternoon.
As men, more often than not the “me” plan causes us to stumble and have problems. The sooner a man understands that “we” is much stronger than “me” the better off he will be. When he sees his wife for the amazing partner that she is, he will be able to navigate through some of the hardest obstacles that come his way.
I want to share with 5 of the most important reasons every man should understand what a blessing his wife truly is.
5. She’s got your back: When I say this I don’t mean that when you’re in a back ally and you’re getting mugged your wife will somehow appear out of the shadows with a half broken beer bottle ready to knock heads. She is there for you in much more important and meaningful ways. She is there to build you up when you fall and to be there when you feel like your back is up against the wall. Remember to turn to her in times of difficulty and in times of success. She will offer you an opinion unlike anyone else you know. She will offer you the truth and help you reach your goals.
4. She’s got ears to listen: A lot of men find it difficult to express their every day hardships. Science proves that 99.9999% of marriage problems begin with communication. It’s the hardest part of marriage in a lot of ways, but brings the most rewards when you get it right. Tell your wife your goals, your ambitions and your loves. She will be there to listen and help in times of need. The more you invest in your relationship with her by telling her everything, the stronger the bonds of trust will be between you and her. Imagine the thousands of dollars that would be saved worldwide on therapy if husbands simply were able to open up to their spouses and communicate together.
3. She’s better than you: Face it, women are just better than men. They look better, they smell better, they just ARE better. This may seem tough for guys to admit but really this is great news for the man world. As we struggle with our stereotypical man problems of being emotionally unavailable and hard to communicate with, we have a source every day to turn to for answers on how to solve these problems… our wives. Ask your wife how she would handle a struggling relationship between you and your boss or how you can feel closer to members of your family. Guaranteed she will have sound advice for you that you would have never thought to try.
2. She’s smokin hot: Remember that day when you proposed to the most beautiful girl you had ever laid your eyes on? That single moment in which your heart is in your throat and you can feel it beat in your ears because you are so nervous, is a feeling that doesn’t have to fade. When you look in her eyes every day she is still that girl that caught your eye from across the room at that party that one time. Tell her how beautiful she is and let her know that on a scale of one to ten she is a 20 every day. She will return the favor and help you look like a champion every day that you step out the door to go to work.
1. She loves you: I always remember the day that I said I do. It was a day I had found my best friend. She was someone who I could laugh with and trust. Somewhere along the line of being married there sometimes comes a time when many men lose sight of the feeling they had on their special day. Remember that love is a journey and not a destination. Just like while in the gym, a muscle needs constant nourishment and exercise, so does your marriage. Every day show and tell her how much you love her. She wants to hear from you and when you do your part she will do hers in the relationship too. She is still your best friend and knows more about you than anyone else on Earth. Let her know how much you care and she will be there for you in times of hardship and in times of success.
Let’s Sum Up
As you look at your life today and think about our earlier example of noise from the boom boxes, take a second and think about the things in your life that are creating noise for you. What are the distractions that are taking you away from what is most important? Is it work? Is it school or a hobby?
Wherever the noise is coming from, remember that it truly is just noise – turn it off. Your life will greatly benefit by investing your time into your family and marriage. Your wife is your greatest ally and friend and when you strive to be there for her, she will be there for you.
In your experience in your marriage, do you agree? We’d love to hear from you about how you are a strength to your husband. We’d also love to hear ideas about how you have invested time into your family. Please leave a comment below and let’s learn together how we can strengthen our relationships as husbands and wives!
September 1, 2014 at 3:39 am (11 years ago)I LOVE this post! Mostly because your hubby guest posted, but also because the message is so true – we should be their greatest ally. A friend, companion, supporter…all of it. And we should all learn to focus on the “we” in our lives instead of the “me”.