MARRIAGE Is A Journey Worth Taking | Today's the Best Day

MARRIAGE Is A Journey Worth Taking

I looked at my phone – it was still dark outside. 5:13am it said. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t! It was the first day of the rest of my life – and I got to spend it with the man of my dreams.

I laid in bed thinking about what the day was going to be like. How my makeup was going to look. How my hair would be curled. How it was going to feel to see my soon to be husband look into my eyes over the altar. How life would be as husband and wife.

My wedding day was something that I dreamed about forever. I remember watching movies and tv shows of weddings and falling in love – specifically the Full House episode of Uncle Jesse and Becky’s wedding. I remember watching that episode over and over again. When he sang to her the song, “Forever” on the piano. Oh my goodness my heart melted! They were so in love! I could only imagine at that time what it felt like.

And now – my time had come! I was getting married! I was finally going to be with my best friend for ETERNITY! It was the biggest day of my life, thus far!

Many people will tell you that marriage is hard…. and I somewhat agree with them. After all, you are making a promise and commitment to someone FOREVER. That is a really big deal. But is it worth it?

My wedding day was over five years ago now and I still love to look through my wedding album and remember what a special day it was! In my eyes – it was perfect. I have learned a lot about marriage and the journey that comes with it.

Marriage is definitely not a destination – you don’t just get married and life ends. You are still you. Life is a journey, so when you get married – it becomes a journey too.

In this world, marriage is more commonly looked down upon. It seems to be not as important. It seems like a lot of work. Why get married when you can just live with your best friend forever? No commitments. No promises. If things get tough – we can just break up.

Marriage A Journey Worth Taking

Photography by Christine Olson Photography

I have a few reasons why marriage is a journey worth taking that I wanted to share with you today.

1. IMPROVES WHO YOU ARE: You truly become a better person after you tie the knot. You suddenly become less selfish and more selfless. You have someone else to take care of and check-in on. Instead of worrying about just YOU, you worry about your other half.

An attribute I always looked for in the man I was going to marry, was someone who could bring out the best in me. Someone who made me happier and supported me in my goals and passions. By marrying someone who does that, helps you become the person you have always wanted to become.

2. YOU MAKE A PROMISE: Probably the most important promise you will ever make in your entire life. While making promises is sometimes a nerve racking thing, the promise between a husband and wife can bring you closer together than anyone you have ever been close to.

3. YOU HAVE A TEAM MATE: Life can sometimes be hard and throw you in different directions – so why not have someone there with you to hold your hand through it? After you make the commitment of marriage with someone – you instantly become a team. And when hard trials come, it is easier for you to stick together and get through it.

4. YOU GET MORE LOVE: The idea of having that person there for you at all times – when you need a hug, when you need a kiss, when you need to feel loved. It is just a great feeling knowing that you always have that one who loves you – no matter how hard of a day you had or how annoyed you were at your coworkers.


Photography by Christine Olson Photography

5. YOU INSTANTLY BECOME A FAMILY: And babies come soon after. I was told when we got married to take the best of my husbands family and the best of my family and to make our own family. It was one of the greatest advice that we were given and I think about it often.

Becoming a family and having children has brought me the greatest joy I could have ever imagined. Without taking the leap of faith in marriage, I would not be a wife or a mom at this time and I wouldn’t be writing this very article at this moment. Marriage has given me the greatest roles I have ever held in life – a wife and a mom.

6. MARRIAGE BRINGS HAPPINESS: Studies show that married couples are happier couples. When you become a husband or wife – you become the happiest you have ever been. The joys that a spouse can bring you is irreplaceable. There are hard days, weeks even months – but through working together and building each other up, you will be the happiest you have ever been.

In our home we have a sign that says, “We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.”

Marriage is a journey! A fun one! Once you are married, life just gets a little easier knowing you have a partner in crime, a supporter, a helper and a teammate!

Are you happily married or excited to one day find that person you get to spend the rest of your life with? I would love to hear from you! What are your favorite things about marriage?!

Marriage is a journey worth taking. It will change your life forever!

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7 Comments on MARRIAGE Is A Journey Worth Taking

  1. Kerri
    August 8, 2014 at 7:40 pm (11 years ago)

    I love this list. Marriage has always been important to me but for a long time I felt ashamed to say so. Like it was weak of me or something. Now that I’ve met the man I’m going to marry I’m so happy because we are there for one another. Not everyone says that their wedding day was the best day of their life, but a lot of people do on this StoryShelter question: https://www.storyshelter.com/question/the-best-day-of-my-life

    My favorite: When my husband and I celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary 6 years ago.

    50 years!!

  2. Katie
    July 30, 2014 at 4:51 pm (11 years ago)

    I love this post! Like you said, there are many negative connotations surrounding marriage these days, it’s so inspiring to hear the truth instead. I especially love the advice you received, to take the best of both you and your husband’s families to make your own. My family actually tried to end my marriage before we had even made it 6 months!! I ended up having to severe ties with my family, and it hurt, but it was the best thing I ever could have done for my marriage. Hubby and I will celebrate our 2nd anniversary this fall and we couldn’t be happier. We have a beautiful baby girl and we thank God every day for our perfect little world. My family wanted me to throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble, but I love the man I married and I wasn’t about to imagine life without him. Thanks for sharing!! Keep the good stuff coming, because I know you brighten more people’s days than just mine 🙂

  3. Jenna @ A Savory Feast
    July 30, 2014 at 12:57 am (11 years ago)

    I love this! It’s so refreshing to hear a positive and encouraging post about marriage. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Angie Agerter
    July 30, 2014 at 12:54 am (11 years ago)

    I love this and couldn’t agree more. Any relationship, not just marriage, takes work on both ends to achieve greatness, marriage you just have more on the line to make it work. What a great thoughtful post 🙂

  5. Maggie C
    July 30, 2014 at 12:53 am (11 years ago)

    My husband is truly my best friend and I’m so glad I get to be married to him!

  6. Amberly
    July 29, 2014 at 9:59 pm (11 years ago)

    LOVE this!!!!! So much!!! I just shared your post on Instagram 🙂 Seriously, this is the kind of post that I like to see! Too many people don’t see marriage as that much of a priority. After all, living together is the same, you just don’t have the piece of paper, right?! So wrong, and it makes me sad that people see marriage as a maybe if it sounds nice these days. Thanks for the post girl!

    • Danielle Davis
      July 29, 2014 at 10:02 pm (11 years ago)

      Thanks so much Amberly for sharing!! I love your blog and all of your posts about marriage! You ROCK!! Thanks for leaving such a nice comment! xoxo


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