Mom Life Hacks | Today's the Best Day

Mom Hacks

Successful mothers are not the ones that have never struggled. They are the ones that never give up, despite the struggles. 🖤

As women, why are we so dang hard on ourselves?! We are so quick to compare ourselves to others. We are so quick to notice our weaknesses rather than our strengths. We are so quick to focus on the things we didn’t do – rather than the things we DID do.

One of my favorite #bestiechallenges and #momhacks is called the “TA-DA” challenge! You ready?! This is key. I heard it once at a conference and have implemented it into my life since. Rather than focusing on our things to do or things we didn’t do – let’s focus on the things we DID do!! Like “TA-DA!” I played with my kids today! Or “TA-DA” I read a book to my kid before bed! Or “TA-DA” we are all still alive and happy!

Don’t give up. You are doing SO MUCH more than you think you are! 🖤

Sometimes it’s tricky to make healthy lunches – does anyone else feel like they take a little more time & thought?

The trick is, as soon as you buy your healthy snacks or lunch supplies – open them up {or cut them or wash them, depending on what they are} and divide them up into little baggies immediately. That way, when you’re in a rush – you literally just grab your pre-made little baggies that are already divided up into portions and throw them into the lunch box! It saves you SO much time & energy I promise! 🙌🏼

I may or may not be guilty of snacking on the kid’s lunch foods as I work on them buuuut nobody needs to know that. 🤣 They’re just too good! Haha!

Find More Mom Life Hacks on the Today’s the Best Day Blog!

Are you ready for the best Ice Cream Bar hack of all time?! Ain’t nobody got time to do a million dishes after the party leaves – so I am sharing my favorite MUFFIN TIN hack for all the toppings you can imagine!! 🙌🏼🍨

Late-overs {instead of a sleep-over, we have friends come over and stay until late. It’s so fun! And another #momhack!} are so much more fun with ice cream and yummy toppings! 

Find more Mom Life Hacks on the Today’s the Best Day Blog!

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