As a first-time mom, I have learned the importance of FRIENDS and being a part of a group of moms that have been or are currently going through exactly what I go through on a daily basis. Talking to other moms helps me become a better mom.
Having playdates and meeting moms at the park is healthy for not only me, but my baby. And meeting new people who understand why I have a dirty shirt on or why I just can’t seem to get out of the house one day, makes me feel normal.
As moms it can sometimes be difficult to reach out to others and make friends with other moms. Not everyone can just say hi to a total stranger at a park and become life long friends instantly. Making friends is hard but that is why I want to share with you a new website that I came across called Mom Meet Mom.
Mom Meet Mom is a website that connects moms to each other who have similar interests, babies around the same age and live in the same areas. Ultimately, it is matchmaking for MOMS and is GENIUS. It is the easiest way to find moms who are exactly like us! Check out their interview and feature on Good Morning America:
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Recently, I reached out to Mom Meet Mom and was so excited to hear back from one of their co-founders, Christa Terry. Through a quick email interview I asked Christa about her website and how it can benefit other moms looking for a play date buddy.
I am so excited to share our interview together with with all of you today! Christa is beautiful mom who is an inspiration to not only me, but to everyone around her!
Here is our interview:

1. Please introduce yourself and Mom Meet Mom. Give us a brief explanation of who typically joins your site and what benefits come from doing so. When did you start Mom Meet Mom and why did you create it?
Mom Meet Mom is a social website that helps mothers build what I like to call a “mom tribe”. It’s great if you can build up a group of close knit local moms when you’re still expecting but it’s something you can do at any stage of the mothering journey. As to why it’s important to find and bond with other moms who are local to you, it’s because they get what you’re going through because they are there in the trenches with you. These are the people who have seen you in spit-up stained sweats and the ones who will pick up your phone call when you find out your teen is sexting and can’t figure out what to do.
I’m one of of the co-founders. I created the site with two other moms, Meg Gerritson and Julia High, because we all faced unique challenges when it came to making and keeping mom friends. I had a preemie in winter so I couldn’t just check out the local moms’ group since my newborn was considered medically fragile. Julia moved across country with an 18 month old to a city where she knew no one. And Meg has a son with severe allergies, so she has to be careful about who her family spends time with. The three of us recognized that there are also tons of other challenges that keep moms from finding friends and building that tribe, and we wanted to do something about it.
3. If you could share one piece of advice to members of the community members of Mom Meet Mom what would it be and why?
Don’t be afraid to reach out! Sending someone a message is so much less awkward than asking for another mom’s number at the playground. We wanted to make the experience of meeting moms as low-stress as possible – what’s easier than shooting off a short message saying hi? The more you put yourself out there, the better your chances are of meeting amazing like-minded moms!
4. If you could ask one question from your readers what would it be and why?
What is your struggle? As moms, we all cope with challenges. Sometimes, those challenges are obvious because there is a visible disability. But more often, the struggles we face as mothers are invisible. We are stressed because we’re working moms and that’s tough or we’re desperate for adult interaction because we’re SAHMs. Things aren’t always perfect with our partners. Or there’s PPD, autism…the list of challenges is endless. I would love for moms to communicate more so we all realize that we’re all doing the best we can!
5. What are some of the most popular topics that are discussed on the Mom Meet Mom Forum?
I think questions about parenting top the list because moms are always looking for advice and reassurance. For instance, moms want help figuring out how to help their babies sleep or to when it comes to weaning toddlers off the paci. It’s the same kinds of questions you’ll hear in a moms’ group – we just offer the chance to put these questions in front of a wider, more diverse audience. And that’s important to us because we want to make sure that if a mom doesn’t have on the ground support locally (yet) we can offer that same feeling in the forum.
6. For someone new to Mom Meet Mom, how do they get the most out of it?
Upload a pic! Profiles with photos are just friendlier. When there’s a picture next to your name you’re going to get more moms writing back to your messages and responding to your friend requests.
7. What have you learned the most about Moms through having your website?
They want to stay social throughout motherhood, even though it’s not easy to do that. I didn’t realize how hard it is to stay connected with friends after having kids for so many moms. Getting out of the house? That’s a whole different story. When you meet someone who doesn’t care if you can’t get together for a whole month because of school, work, and yet another cold, it’s amazing.
8. What is the most positive aspect that has come from Mom Meet Mom that has impacted your life?
Mom Meet Mom has given me a way to do good in a lot of people’s lives. I see the positive impact I and my partners are having whenever we get a message from a user thanking us for building the site. And there’s a regular flow of those so we know we’re doing something right.
9. Please share with us how readers can get in touch with you as well as one parting piece of advice for moms looking to improve their day to day lives.
People can get in touch with us by emailing
Support is the best antidote to mom stress. Even if what’s going on in your life isn’t something a hot meal delivered will solve, having moms to talk to (and rant to) is invaluable.
I myself look forward to trying out Mom Meet Mom and hope you will too. It only takes a few minutes to sign up and can help you overcome the awkward park moment. After you hop over to Mom Meet Mom and check it out, come back and let us know what you think in the comment sections below. Also, if you have any questions for Christa about her site feel free to ask and we will work to find the answers for you.
Thank you so much to Christa for being such hard-working mom and for making time for this interview with me today. If you are looking to connect with Mom Meet Mom your can find additional information on their social media platforms located here: Facebook, Google+ and Twitter!
Do you have a resource like Mom Meet Mom that you love? We want to hear about it. Email us at and let us know what resources help you make every day the best day!
November 5, 2014 at 9:34 pm (10 years ago)Great post! Love hearing what other moms have to say!
Jen @ Simple
November 5, 2014 at 12:45 pm (10 years ago)Wow, what a great resource for new moms!!