Raising a toddler is hard.
Raising a BOY toddler is harder.
Next time you think your day was bad… just watch how this mom’s day went. Things could be worse.
Have you had a Mom’s Bad Day before?! Share with us your experience!

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April 15, 2015 at 4:48 am (10 years ago)I had a really rough day with my cranky little boy (toddler). Clawing at me, whining, screaming, learned to hit today, it was too windy to go outside, two baths by afternoon due to poop getting in random places, and then dad gave him too much milk and let him cry it out a bit. I go in to comfort him and to help him feel better and he starts spewing vomit EVERY. WHERE. And then my dear husband gets mad because he can’t understand why I am so frustrated… A yucky day. Good moments throughout but I am exhausted!!