Good Morning ladies and Welcome to Day FOURTEEN of Mommy Madness 2015! I feel like yesterday’s challenge is going to be hard to beat! What kid doesn’t love to play dress up and eat ice cream?! I LOVED seeing your darling pictures of your kids dressed up in their Frozen outfits – you melted my heart!
I can’t believe the second week of our Mommy Madness Challenge has come and gone! It is the last day of Week Two! I hope as you have focused on your children this week, that you were able to make lots of memories, have fun and most importantly, grow closer together with your little ones. I LOVE as we serve them, that our love for them grows even more!
Let’s finish this week off with a bang – Today’s Challenge is called “SERVICE SATURDAY!”
This week we have thrown parties, started journals, worked on crafts/projects, let them be little and got yummy treats – which are all REALLY fun things! But one of the best ways to show love to our children, is teaching them to love others.
As moms we have so many responsibilities and the pressure to teach our children EVERYTHING is heavy on our shoulders. We feel like we have to teach them how to sit up, crawl, walk and then run. We feel like we have to teach them their numbers, their shapes, their colors and the alphabet. We feel like we need to teach them manners, how to get dressed, how to go potty in the toilet, how to brush their hair and teeth and how to talk.
But one of the most important things we will teach our children… is about love. What is love? And how do they show love? Today we are going to show love to our children by teaching them how to show love themselves… and it will all be through service.
Today’s Challenge is as follows: If your children are old enough to talk, you are to ask them if they can think of someone in their life that may need love today. Ask them if they have a friend, a relative, a neighbor {anyone they can think of} that maybe has had a hard week or day. If your children are too young to talk and understand if someone needs help, YOU think of someone that may need to feel loved today.
Together, you and your children are going to make a little treat. If you don’t like baking or have time, you can run to the store and grab something or even find something in your cupboards you are willing to give away. Baking treats is always a REALLY fun activity to do with kids, even when they are tiny. And knowing that you are making them for someone who needs to feel loved, makes it even more special.
***There are TONS of different ways to serve others, you don’t necessarily have to bake a treat. You can check out this list of 20 Acts of Service and do anything on it!
You can have your kids draw pictures or write a little note if you would like to too! My two-year-old is still too young to write, but she is a pretty good artist if you ask me. 🙂 So after we make a treat, I am having her draw a little picture.
THEN – once the treats are ready and the picture is drawn, you are ready to serve!! You and your little ones are going to be the “Loving Leprechauns” today! Print off this little sign and put it with the treats. Then, take it over to the person’s house – ring the doorbell – and RUN!
Service is even more fun, when you do the acts of kindness anonymously. Your kids will love RUNNING as fast as they can away from the house and hiding so the person doesn’t know it is them.
I know that as you serve with your children today, you are teaching them such a valuable and important lesson that is SO special! By teaching them how to serve and love others, you are actually showing the best love to THEM! And just like that – today isn’t only the BEST day for you and your family… it’s the BEST day for the person your family showed love to!
Just as a reminder: Pin THIS image on Pinterest right now from our Mommy Madness Challenge board. {IMPORTANT: It must be pinned from that specific board and be that pin so we can get your entries in for the day!} Then after you complete the challenge, come back to Pinterest and comment on our Day FOURTEEN Pin {THIS pin} and tell us that you did it!
For extra entries: Post a picture on Instagram or Facebook of you working on the challenge OR Tweet about it on Twitter – just be sure on ALL Social Media to be sure you use #MommyMadness2015 so we can see each entry! You can also tag Today’s The Best Day in {optional} so we are notified and can check it out!
Have a WONDERFUL Saturday and we hope today is the BEST day! xoxo