Mommy Madness – Day 27

YAY for FRIDAY!! The weekends are so fun – no matter how old you are! And today we have a super fun activity planned for everyone today!

In fact, today’s challenge was inspired by one of my favorite childhood memories! As a young girl I always looked forward to Friday Nights because it was PIZZA night! My mom would always order pizza and we would either watch a movie or watch TGIF {do you ladies remember those shows?!} – it was a total blast and a night we really loved!


Today’s Challenge is as follows: Tonight you are going to have your own family Friday Night Pizza Night! So order a pizza {or if you are feeling extra talented, you can make a pizza}, turn on a movie, gather all the blankets in your house and have a Family Pizza Party Movie Night in!

For bonus points {an additional entry into our Giveaway!}: You can have a family campout in your living room! We have done this before and it was a TOTAL blast!! Set up a tent in your house, pile the blankets and pillows in and have a sleepover. It is TOO fun and the memory is unforgettable!


Picture and more fun date ideas can be found HERE.

Happy Friday, ladies!! Have so much fun spending tonight with your fam!

Just as a reminder: Pin THIS image on Pinterest right now from our Mommy Madness Challenge board. {IMPORTANT: It must be pinned from that specific board and be that pin so we can get your entries in for the day!} Then after you complete the challenge, come back to Pinterest and comment on our Day TWENTY-SEVEN Pin {THIS pin} and tell us that you did it!

For extra entries: Post a picture on Instagram or Facebook of you working on the challenge OR Tweet about it on Twitter – just be sure on ALL Social Media to be sure you use #MommyMadness2015 so we can see each entry! You can also tag Today’s The Best Day in {optional} so we are notified and can check it out!

Have a WONDERFUL Friday and we hope today is the BEST day! xoxo

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