Monetary Earnings Disclaimer | Today's the Best Day

Monetary Earnings Disclaimer

Hi Bestie! Got a Second? This is Danielle.

I am so happy you have found time to visit my site here at Today’s the Best Day. In launching this site I had so many dreams of making an impact in the lives of those that I love so much. In doing so, I found an online family that has helped to make a community of women that I just love and adore. We uplift each other as we strive to make every day the best through life’s challenges and lessons.

With this website, I want to be as transparent as possible about the ways I am monetarily compensated through serving you, my audience. Through the many hours of hard work spent on content creation I have developed multiple revenue streams that help make running the site possible. I am sure that you understand that nothing is free and so the best way for me to have the resources I need to best serve you, I strive to develop partnerships that I make money from.

At many points throughout your interaction with me on this website you will encounter a few things that provide me the revenue that makes this site possible.  For example, I am a big believer in affiliate marketing and often have opportunities to promote products that I love to community members. Each product that I promote goes through a screening process. I often am contacted by a company or group to try their product. Afterwards, if I feel the community would benefit by hearing about this product or service, I then share my honest thoughts and opinions about the product with the community. More often than not, my feelings are positive because I only share products that I enjoy and think the community would enjoy. Through the screening process, erroneous products and services are denied to protect the user experience. When creating a temporary partnership like this, I am typically compensated by either a flat rate payment or given a small portion of every sale that is made. Whenever this happens you will see me tell you that I have been compensated for my honest opinion through the use of hashtags (#ad, #afflink, #affiliatelink, #sponsored, #partnership, etc) or through a paragraph on a blog post that thanks you for supporting Today’s the Best Day.

I also have opportunities that arise that allow me to participate in activities and events. For example, in 2018 I was contacted by a large hotel chain and asked to come and stay a few days on the property and share my experience. While on property I shared my honest experience with the community and through this campaign I was compensated to do so.

There are many other examples of company building revenue opportunities that currently exist and that will arise in the future but I guess the reason for this disclaimer is just to be real with ya’ll. I want you to know that this is a business I am running and therefore I want to build revenue opportunities but I don’t do so just to make a cheap buck and move on. There are many internet influencers that will promote anything to make a dollar but I want you to know that our relationship is more than that in my eyes. I work hard to help our community grow so we can support each other in our journeys.

Of course I know that there will be some that will see the campaigns that I run and think negatively about them and it is unfortunate that that is the case. However, if you do feel that way I want you to know that you are always welcome in the Bestie Squad and I hope some day we can meet and talk out our differences.

Thank you for taking time to read all of that and for your continual support of my little space online. You all are such amazing examples to me of beautiful and powerful women. I count it one of life’s biggest blessings to count you as a friend.



PS. If you have any questions about my website or business please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram – @todaysthebestday. I check my DM’s there most often. Thanks!

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