5 Most Common Problems Moms Face | Today's the Best Day

5 Most Common Problems Moms Face

Today’s The Best Day was created just seven short months ago and within this quick time, I have met some incredible women! I am SO grateful for each of you and all of your love you send me. Whether it is a comment on the blog, a like on Social Media or a private e-mail, each of you have touched my heart and I am so grateful for you! This website is becoming more than I could have dreamed and it is ALL because of YOU! Thank you so much for joining me every day as we celebrate motherhood and try to make every day, the BEST day for our families! You ladies rock!

As I have gotten to know so many of you {and look forward to getting to know all of you better} I have learned that we all have something in common… MOMMY PROBLEMS! From the very moment you take a home pregnancy test and that stick says “POSITIVE” your life changes forever! It is a fun, exhausting and crazy adventure!

I didn’t find out I was pregnant like a “normal” girl. Because Laila is an InVitro baby, we found out through a phone call that the procedure worked and that we were going to be parents! I remember the day like yesterday. I was sitting in my office and I was on the phone with a client so I couldn’t answer my phone when it started ringing and lit up the words, “Dr. Shapiro” on the screen. I got a lump in my throat and my heart started POUNDING – I think I even started sweating. I knew what it was. It was a phone call that was going to change my life. Either the procedure didn’t work and it would be the worst day of my life thus far or the procedure did work and I had a miracle inside of me.

My phone vibrated and the little message popped up, “1 NEW VOICEMAIL.” I quickly hung up with my client and listened to the message. I didn’t want to cry because I didn’t want my co-workers around me to see my emotions, but the moment I heard the doctor’s voice I couldn’t hold them back. Tears started STREAMING out of my eyes – I literally could have made a river out of the water that was falling. “Hi Danielle, It’s Dr. Shapiro calling. It looks like the embryos emplaned! The procedure worked! Congratulations!” That message changed my life forever. I had A BABY inside of me! I was going to be a MOM!!

It didn’t take long for me to notice changes in my body, my appetite and of course my belly! Within nine months of pregnancy, your body goes through a LOT of changes and then once the baby comes, your body goes through a LOT of changes again! Your whole world as you knew it, is completely different. You no longer care just about you or your husband – you care for a child, another human being! You fall instantly in love with this precious miracle when they lay him/her in your arms and you never want to let them go.

I have now been a mom for nearly a year and a half and have learned a lot about “mommy problems.” The good, the bad and the ugly of motherhood! Each of us have those days of heartache and sadness, the days we want to roll up in a  ball and lock our doors. But we each have those days of happiness and laughter, the days we never want to go to sleep because of the joy our children have brought into our lives.

I have talked to several moms and have found out the 5 Most Common Problems Moms Face. You may experience one, but you may experience all. You aren’t alone! We are all in this together! Here are a few problems you may encounter and helpful solutions for each one as you experience the journey of motherhood.

5 Most Common Problems for Moms

1. COMPLETE EXHAUSTION: Everyone will tell you to “Enjoy your rest before that baby comes!” And you probably think to yourself, “Yeah.. Yeah… I know, EVERYONE says that.” But seriously – you don’t understand what they mean until you experience it first hand! Oh goodness I remember when Laila was just little and we were waking up every 2 hours. I had NEVER been SO exhausted in my entire life! I thought it was never going to end and that I would forever be a walking zombie.

Let me tell you: It will pass. You will forever be woken by a sick baby or a child with a bad dream, but the every two hour feedings will pass. I suggest to try sleeping when the baby sleeps. Take a nap when your baby naps. And also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you get too exhausted, call your spouse or a friend to watch your children for a little bit so you can get some rest. Exhaustion is REAL and getting rest is SO important.

2. FEELING FAT: Unfortunately, not all of us are blessed with perfect bodies that snap right back into shape three days after having a baby! In fact, MOST of us aren’t. Your body will forever be changed. You may have stretch marks or extra skin. You may have scars and you may never lose that baby weight.

Let me tell you: You are beautiful! I love the saying “you earned your tiger stripes” referring to your stretch marks. If you think about it, it is actually incredible what our bodies are capable of doing! You just grew a BABY, INSIDE of you. Seriously, that is crazy! Don’t get discouraged about the number on the scale or what you look like in the mirror. You made a miracle!

3. WE WANT OUR CHILDREN TO BE PERFECT: Often times, you may get upset because your child does something you said your child would never do. In fact, I always said that my babies would NEVER have stranger danger and they would be the social little butterflies of the world. WELL – I was SO wrong. My baby has such bad stranger danger and is extremely timid and shy. And guess what!? That is okay! She is a baby and I actually secretly love that she loves to be by me. 🙂

Let me tell you: Your children are little…so let them be little. They are going to make messes and they are going to make mistakes. Their sweet little brains are developing and learning every single day. As the mom, you get to experience life with them and teach them how to grow and become better. They may not be the all star soccer player or the best artist in the class, but they are doing so good! Be proud of them for their efforts and know that NOBODY is perfect – even adults.

4. SHOWING LOVE TO YOUR SPOUSE: Gosh, this is a hard one! When a baby comes it just changes EVERYTHING. It may even change your marriage and relationships with those you love. You suddenly have these children who NEED you. They need to be fed. They need to be changed. They need to be bathed. They need to be cuddled. And suddenly, your husband is sitting on the couch…alone.

Let me tell you: He still loves you! And you love him! And that marital bliss and spark can still live on! I encourage you to check out The Changes A Baby Brings and How To Stay Best Friends With Your Husband. Both of those can help you in your marriage after you have children.

5. DOUBTING YOURSELF AND THINKING YOU AREN’T THE BEST: After being tired and so busy with all of your “mommy duties” it is easy to be hard on yourself. You start comparing yourself to others and feeling like you aren’t doing enough or aren’t the best mom you can be.  Sometimes you can doubt your role as a mother and you may feel like you aren’t doing enough in society and for others.

Let me tell you: You are doing PLENTY! You are doing a LOT! You ARE doing enough. You are holding the future in your hands when you hold your children. Don’t doubt yourself. Know that you are doing a GREAT job! I see pictures of all of you on Instagram and Facebook and I see what you are doing. You are doing an awesome job and you are such a great example to all of us other moms!

As a mom, each of us will encounter difficulties, challenges and doubts on a daily basis. Always remember at the end of the day, even if there are dishes in the sink and little handprints on the walls – you are SO loved by your babies! “To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.”

to the world you may be one person

Don’t forget to share with all of the moms you know and love –

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14 Comments on 5 Most Common Problems Moms Face

  1. Christi at SexyMoxieMama
    May 30, 2014 at 12:23 pm (11 years ago)

    The best way to be an awesome mom is to not compare yourself or your baby to other moms or babies. Everyone is different. I had 2 kids in 2 years and by adopting this rule, the 2nd pregnancy and postpartum was MUCH better. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Tiffany
    May 29, 2014 at 6:10 pm (11 years ago)

    I’m a single mom so I can’t relate to the 4th one, but YES to all of the others.

  3. Danielle
    May 29, 2014 at 1:23 pm (11 years ago)

    I agree and can relate to so many of these. I live in a world of exhaustion…lol

  4. Amanda
    May 29, 2014 at 1:19 pm (11 years ago)

    I love that photo!!! One of my favorite quotes is There is no way to be a perfect mother but a million ways to be a good one.

  5. Triplezmom
    May 29, 2014 at 12:11 pm (11 years ago)

    I remember discovering the ‘good enough’ mom philosophy when my kids were very small and it’s saved my sanity more times than I can count.

  6. heather
    May 29, 2014 at 12:04 pm (11 years ago)

    ya know, I’ve been a mom for 16 years now, and #5 will always be my nemesis 🙂 with each stage, especially with our oldest, it’s a new and exciting way to doubt your abilities as a parent. But, as my own child pointed out, she’s made it this far, so I must be doing something right!

  7. katy
    May 29, 2014 at 6:33 am (11 years ago)

    I had just about caught up on sleep when I fell pregnant again! You just forget how exhausting the first few months are!!! Nobody ever tells you the hard bits, they sugar coat it all. Not that we would do anything differently but it would be nice to be prepared as a first time mum!! Great post as always xx

  8. Michelle F.
    May 29, 2014 at 5:09 am (11 years ago)

    Those are some great tips. I really need to pay more attention to the hubs.

  9. Karen @ From the Garden Table
    May 29, 2014 at 3:40 am (11 years ago)

    Whenever a friend is having a baby for the first time, I tell them “Look, I know you have heard this from others too, but when the baby sleeps, take a nap! And, when someone offers to help you out in some way, accept! Really!” Trust us! We’ve been through it, we know!!!

  10. Elisebet F
    May 29, 2014 at 2:57 am (11 years ago)

    This is all so true! Numbers 1, 2, and 4 have definitely gotten better over time. Three isn’t too much of a problem, but I definitely struggle with #5!

  11. Ashley
    May 29, 2014 at 2:27 am (11 years ago)

    I love this post and I love your blog! If only I could bank the sleep I’m getting now and dip into it when my second baby arrives this fall. I’m exhausted thinking about going through those sleepless nights AGAIN!

  12. Kate, aka guavalicious
    May 29, 2014 at 1:03 am (11 years ago)

    If I had known about the complete exhaustion I would have spent my twenties sleeping! Even seven years after giving birth, I am still tired!

  13. MryJhnsn
    May 28, 2014 at 11:58 pm (11 years ago)

    fingers crossed this posts – got captcha wrong three times – sigh

    Oh, mommy issues. I think being confident in your choices and intuition clears up all of these. Of course, if they could only bottle confidence and serve it over ice cream life would be perfect 😉

  14. Maggie C
    May 28, 2014 at 11:02 pm (11 years ago)

    Something popped up on Facebook today. It stated that “I’m a perfect mom. They’re alive, aren’t they?” And that’s my motto. If they’re fed, (mostly) clean, healthy and happy, who cares how we get there? We all parent differently but all families are different but nobody is better than another.


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