Motherhood Isn't For Sissies | Today's the Best Day

Motherhood Isn’t For Sissies

I remember the first moment that I thought to myself, “I am a REAL mom.”

I was actually out shopping at Hobby Lobby, looking for a few things for a wreath I was going to make and hang on my front door. My few-week-old baby was sleeping and I was down the headband aisle because I obviously could NOT go to Hobby Lobby without glancing through their headbands for Laila. {Let’s be honest, I can’t go into ANY store without glancing through their headbands for Laila.}

A woman was down the same aisle and said to me, “Ma’am you have something on your pants.” – I looked down — and there it was. Several large yellow stains were on my pink pants and white shirt that I was wearing – yes, it was POOP. And yes, I have NO idea how long it was there.

Normally in this circumstance, I would freak out and run to the bathroom screaming frantically, keeping the clothes as far away from me as possible, but I slowly looked down and said, “Oh, it’s poop! I guess I am a MOM.”

That day one event after another occurred. Laila woke up and had the craziest scream attack in the car – so bad I had to pull over and help her. I also had one of those moments where I could NOT find my phone anywhere and searched the house for 10 minutes – only to realize it was in my pocket. And to top things off, she had two more poop explosions and eventually had to drive home with no clothes on.

That was the day I realized that I WAS A MOM. A REAL MOM.

It was just me and my baby. Us against the world. She was my responsibility. I was the one that needed to take care of her. I was the one who needed to feed her. I was the one that had to clean every single diaper.

Have you had one of those moments where you just had to laugh and say, “I am SUCH a mom right now?” I bet you could name a few!

Motherhood Isn't For Sissies - 10 Characteristics Every Mom Needs

Photo By Brittany Busk Photography

Through many experiences like these, I have titled this article Motherhood Isn’t For Sissies. Because honestly – it isn’t. In fact, most moms have the following characteristics that are opposite of what a “sissy” is:

1. MOTHERHOOD IS FOR PASSIONATE WOMEN: A mom must know how to love. They must know how to give lots of hugs and kisses and they must LOVE to cuddle. They must know how to kiss boo-boos, wipe away tears and be a shoulder to cry on. They must be able to understand a child and help meet their needs.

2. MOTHERHOOD REQUIRES SOME MUSCLES: I challenge any of you to an arm wrestling match at any time – but I get to use my right arm. That right arm has been getting a workout for 19 months now! Not only carrying a baby everywhere, but moms master the art of bringing in 20 bags of groceries all in at the same time {even when those red marks show up on your arms from all the weight… ouch!} but it gets the job done fast. They also carry carseats and strollers and even can open up a stroller while holding a toddler on their hip. Moms are pretttttty muscular – you better watch out!

3. MOTHERHOOD TEACHES YOU HOW TO BE FLEXIBLE: No, I am not saying you will learn how to do the splits or a double back flip – but you will definitely learn how to say goodbye to being on time and being flexible about a schedule. As a mom, not everything goes your way. A mom must understand that her baby’s needs go before hers and a lot of time those needs make you run a bit late.

4. MOTHERHOOD WILL ALSO TEACH YOU PATIENCE: One lesson I have always been taught in my life is patience – and right when I think I nailed it and my patience has been tested to the extreme, something else will happen and I suddenly am working on my patience AGAIN. A mom has a LOT of patience – a LOT.

5. MOTHERHOOD IS FOR HARD WORKING WOMEN: I love the quote, “Every Mom is a Working Mom.” Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or if you go to a job outside the home every day – if you are a MOM – you are a WORKING mom. “Babies don’t come with directions on the back or batteries that can be removed. Motherhood is twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. You can’t leave the office.” – Patricia Schroeder

6. MOTHERHOOD IS FOR POSITIVE WOMEN: In the world we live in today – there is enough negativity that surrounds us. Children need a positive mom. A mom that finds the good in each day. A mom that is there to lift them up and tell them what a great job they do. Moms have the biggest influence on their babies – to be positive and uplifting towards them is vital.

7. MOTHERHOOD IS FOR WOMEN WHO SET BOUNDARIES: A mom knows when they need to put their “mom hat” on. Sometimes discipline is important – every child needs to be told “no” when they do something wrong. They know how to talk to their children about their mistakes and how to fix them in the future.

8. MOTHERHOOD IS FOR WOMEN WHO ARE THOUGHTFUL: A good mom thinks before she speaks. She thinks before she reacts. So often when we get upset, our immediate reaction is to yell, scream or get frustrated. But it is hard to take back our initial reactions. Things will happen – and as moms, we must think before we act.

9. MOTHERHOOD ISN’T PERFECTION: A mom must remember that she isn’t going to be perfect all the time. A mom just needs to do her best and then she will know that is all that matters.

10. MOTHERHOOD IS FOR SOMEONE WHO IS TOUGH: Last, but not least, why isn’t motherhood for sissies? Because when there is poop on your pants – you can’t cry. Because when your baby is screaming in the car – you will be the one to make them feel better. And sometimes as a mom you just have to laugh and carry on.

So next time you are having one of those “mommy moments” – don’t worry! You aren’t alone. I have been there! The mom down the other aisle has been there! And we all will be there again! Just take pride in the fact that you are a MOM – a good one – and that means you aren’t a sissy!

I would love to hear about your “Mommy Moments” – share with me your story!

You may also like: 10 Habits of a Happy Woman, 15 Moms You Will Probably Meet At Playgroup  and What Do Moms Really Do?

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7 Comments on Motherhood Isn’t For Sissies

  1. Rachael Boley
    August 20, 2014 at 6:30 pm (11 years ago)

    Oh my gosh I love this so much!!!! So very accurate and beautifully stated. I’ve certainly had my share of “I’m definitely a full blown mom!” Moments over the last 2 1/2 year’s, and I know there are many more in my future. I am so proud to be all of those things as a mom and you are so right…it’s not for sissies. Love it love it!!

  2. Jennifer
    August 20, 2014 at 4:05 pm (11 years ago)

    Ahhh…patience. I’m working on that one daily. It’s so hard sometimes.

    And I totally agree, motherhood has made me much tougher than I ever could have imagined.

  3. Pamela
    August 20, 2014 at 3:38 pm (11 years ago)

    Beautiful article! There are so many of these moments we’ve had over the past 20 months. I think the best was when she was about 5 months old we took her on her first road trip. I was nursing her in the car after we had our lunch and she pooped. Everywhere. Up her back. On the pillow she was laying on. On the blanket. Everywhere. We were standing in the Culver’s parking lot pealing clothes off a screaming baby. An older couple walked by a laughed saying they remembered those days, and all we could do was laugh at the absurdity of it. Today it’s know as the Great Poop Massacre of 2013.

  4. Natalie
    August 20, 2014 at 11:51 am (11 years ago)

    Love this post! Thanks for the giggles and great reminders!!

  5. Emily
    August 20, 2014 at 6:12 am (11 years ago)

    This past Sunday our 4 month old identical twins decided to put on a show during church. The one I was holding projectile vomit all down the front of me, while the one my husband was holding started grunting and making the loudest noises to let us know she was pooping. We just had to look at each other and laugh!

  6. Laurel
    August 19, 2014 at 10:58 pm (11 years ago)

    I laugh now at all the times I used to get SO annoyed talking on the phone with my friends and family who had kids and now it’s me whose kids just won’t leave me alone when I’m trying to talk on the phone!

  7. Jana Seitzer
    August 19, 2014 at 10:27 pm (11 years ago)

    These are some great reminders for the days that really test our limits!


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