Today’s Motivating Mother is someone that has truly inspired me as a mother and fellow blogger! Jumping into the blogging world has been so fun, as I have been able to meet other women who have similar interests as me! Women who love writing, sharing ideas and meeting new people!
Amber Price is a mom of 4 wild and crazy boys, wife to 1, and loves to read, sew, bake and be around friends. She blogs about all of her Crazy Little Projects over at because she needs a creative outlet in a home full of crazy boys. Her blog has inspired me personally, as she treasures motherhood and always has fun and creative things to do with the whole family! Here is what Amber has said about motherhood:

I am a mom to 4 little boys aging from 10 to 2. I love being a mom to boys! It’s wild and crazy and dirty and incredibly fun.
For me becoming a mom was a very easy and natural transition. I grew up in a large family and had a little brother 15 years younger than me, so I knew how to care for an infant. And I was just so ready to fully embrace motherhood. It also helped that I had a VERY easy first baby. I remember the first time I took him to the zoo. He was only 3-4 months old and I knew HE didn’t care about seeing the animals but it just felt like such a mom thing to do and I was excited to begin this journey into motherhood. (Now if I try to go to the zoo it’s a whole other world-wrangling 4 littles!)
Being a mom is hard. Harder than anything I have done, but the rewards are in proportion. I just love seeing my little guys do cute kid things and I treasure my time with them. I look back now on my mothering even just a few years back and realize how much patience I have learned. I am still a long ways from perfect, but by the 4th time you have a 2 year old, the tantrums are mostly just funny instead of aggravating. It feels good to know that I am growing as a person and as a mother.
I love spending time with my kids. My favorite things to do with them are read (we often read chapter books together), bake cookies and do craft projects. They are happy when we do these things and I am happy.
My advice to all of the mothers in the world is to ENJOY it. These children are given to us to love and enjoy so treasure them!
Me And My Mini Me
January 23, 2014 at 1:42 am (11 years ago)Awww this is so incredibly sweet. I love this. I really enjoy connecting with other mommies through our blogs. It’s such a great way to build some great friendships. I love this post, it’s great. I hope you’re having a great week so far