The first time I met Christy, I was in 6th grade. She may not remember this, but she was in 8th grade and she was the student aid in my math class. She was a big 8th grader who I looked up to. She was pretty and nice, she was funny and smart. I loved how kind she was to me and the way she made me feel confident about myself. As we got older, we never hung out or were best friends, but when I saw her I knew there was something very special about her.
Christy Clark is from Henderson, NV and her husband Bryan is from Draper, UT. Bryan and Christy met on a blind date 9 1/2 years ago and were married 10 months later on August 5, 2005 in the Las Vegas LDS temple. They lived in Cedar City and went to college at Southern Utah University. They had their first son Ethan in April of 2007. After Bryan gradated in 2009 the Clark’s moved to Burlington, Vermont for medical school. Vermont is Christy’s heaven on earth, she loves it there. They had their second son Nate in September of 2010 and daughter Jane in October of 2012. After graduation from medical school in May of 2013 they moved to Loma Linda, CA to start residency in anesthesiology. Their beautiful, perfect, angel baby daughter very suddenly passed away on November 16th, 2013. They have not heard back from the coroner yet on her official cause of death, but the working diagnosis is meningitis. She was literally perfectly fine and happy Friday night and gone Saturday morning.

Here are Christy’s words on Motherhood:
I am very honored that Danielle chose me to share some of my life with you. I have 3 beautiful children. An almost 7 year old boy, Ethan. A 3 ½ year old, Nate. And a beautiful baby girl, Jane, who is in heaven. She was 13 months old when she left this earth.
I was told to be real here and my journey to motherhood hasn’t been all rainbows and butterflies. I had anxiety while pregnant with Ethan but just chalked it up to prenatal hormones. Everyone said you have that “moment” when your baby is born that you fall absolutely madly in love. I didn’t have that with him. I was depressed, exhausted and anxious. It wasn’t until Ethan was about 6 months old that I decided to start an anti-depressant. After that, I felt like I could survive motherhood. When I was pregnant with Nate, I really wanted to avoid postpartum depression, so my doctor started me on a low dose of an antidepressant when I was 7 months pregnant. I finally got that overwhelming, consuming love a mother has when she meets her new baby. It was wonderful! After another amazing delivery with Jane I can say I LOVE delivering babies! Thank heavens for modern medicine!
Motherhood is an education that never ends. I am learning everyday what works for us and what doesn’t. The greatest lesson I have learned while being a mom is that these children we are privileged to raise are not just our sons and daughters. They are our spiritual and heavenly brothers and sisters. On hard days it is difficult to remember this, but my children are likely greater and smarter spirits than I am. We need to remember that we are simply trying to help them remember who they are. And on really hard days, drink a dirty Dr. Pepper, rock out to your favorite song, take a deep breath and keep trying.
My favorite thing about motherhood is the laughter. I love hearing my childrens laugh. Playing games, singing songs, dancing, jumping on the trampoline and playing chase are some sure fire ways to get some laughs. And if I am feeling a little lazy, I resort to potty sounds and jokes to get a good giggle from my boys, I am not above that. I hope all moms know that if they are trying hard, they are doing great. There are so many conflicting opinions on the best way to sleep train, feed, change diapers, hold your babies and so on it can get really confusing. I have learned the hard way, to just do what feels right and makes your family happy. Don’t mommy-compare! And take time for yourself! In whatever way you like it. You cannot fill your family’s tank if yours is on empty. It is selfless, not selfish, to take care of yourself.

To read Christy’s whole story, click here for her blog. Her strength and faith will inspire you.
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