As a little sister, I always hoped my brother would marry someone that fit in with our family. I wanted him to find the perfect girl that would make him happier than he had ever been and would bring out the best in him. When I met Heidi for the first time – I knew she was the one that I had always hoped and prayed for, for my brother. She was pretty and kind – and probably the most talented person I had ever met. She plays the piano, is a literal gourmet chef, makes incredible cakes, has a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and is an absolute JOY to be around! The day they got married was such a happy day! At that moment I realized that she wasn’t my sister-in-law… we instantly became much closer than that. I consider her my SISTER.
I am so happy to feature Heidi today as our Motivating Mother. When I think of her – I think of LOVE. Heidi truly LOVES her children and is a great example for me and everyone around her. She doesn’t take them for granted and is patient and kind with them. Today she shares with all of us a few of her thoughts on the incredible role we each hold, motherhood. Here she is…
I feel honored that Danielle, my sweet sister in law, invited me to share a few thoughts on motherhood. I love her and am so proud of what she does – the effort and love she puts into her amazing blog that is so uplifting and inspiring to all that read it. I must admit, I was kind of taken by surprise when she asked me to write something – I mean, I am really such an average mom! There’s nothing special about me, I have no insight to share on overcoming a huge obstacle, my 3 kids are wonderful and healthy, and my life is pretty ordinary.
One thing I can share is my love for mothering. I have wanted and looked forward to being a mom ever since I can remember. When I was a little girl I learned a song that I still hum to this day. The chorus goes something like this, “when I grow up, I want to be a mother and have a family- one little, two little, three little babies of my own.” Kinda cheesy and a little weird? Yes. But I loved and still love it because its true. I had such a wonderful example of a mother, I honestly wanted to be just like her when I grew up. I would even tell her “Mom, when I grow up I want to be just like you and sweep floors all day long!” She still tells me that story, and I’m 31 years old.
There is no better or more rewarding feeling than helping someone, serving someone, or being somehow a force for good in their life – whether it be friends, neighbors, family, or simply the people you associate with. Making a difference in the life of another brings meaning to your own life. What an amazing opportunity we have as mothers to do this everyday! We are molding these little impressionable people into the adults and people they will become! When you think about it, this is kind of a heavy responsibility, we are the constant teacher and example to our children. They pick up all of our habits- good and bad. They use all of our language – good and bad! Its up to us to ask ourselves everyday if we are the kind of person we would want our children to become, the kind of person they would be grateful and pleased to call their parent as they look back on their childhood. Its a responsibility we often times forget amidst the endless piles of laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, and errand running. I know I do! Sometimes we may feel unfulfilled in the monotony of our lives, but I truly believe and know that the work we do as a mother is the most important work in the world. It is the most important thing we will do during our lives. We must be vigilant in instilling in our children those things that are most important, in giving them the love and mentorship they will need to become happy, successful, and fulfilled adults. Now is the time- oh how fast it passes.
I teach piano out of my home- I work about 7 hours a week and thoroughly enjoy every minute of giving these tender little children something that I love so much, the gift of expressing themselves through music. One of my students is my 7 year old daughter, Ada. After about a year of taking piano from her old mom, one day she looked at me and said something that warmed my heart. “ Mom, when I grow up I want to be a mommy and a piano teacher just like you.” Just the thought of it still warms my heart.
Don’t forget to share! –
Monica Murset
July 11, 2014 at 9:42 pm (11 years ago)Loved this! Heidi and Danielle you are both awesome! Loved reading this!
July 11, 2014 at 2:40 am (11 years ago)Danielle, I really like your Motivating Mother series. And Nicole thanks for reminding me that I love being a mom. Between work and housework and a never ending to-do list I need to be reminded that the most important job I will ever have is being a mother.