Motivating Mother - Lisa Fergus | Today's the Best Day

Motivating Mother – Lisa Fergus

I came across the cute blog Stilettos and Diaper Bags a few months ago and immediately was drawn to her website simply because of the name of it! It caught my attention and I started browsing. It didn’t take long for me to become an avid reader and complete lover of her daily fashion tips. A woman who can be classy and trendy and love her children as much as Lisa does, is an inspiration to mothers everywhere. I am honored to present to you today’s Motivating Mother Moment featuring Lisa Fergus.

Motivating Mother Lisa Fergus

Lisa Fergus is a fashion blogger by day and a hard working mother by, well… 24/7. By mixing her knack for style with the love for her two adorable children, she has found a great recipe for her blog, “Stilettos and Diaper Bags.” This serves as outlet for everything from her yearning to have lived through the 70′s to the newest store selling “hair pretties” for her little girl. With a jewelry collection that would have you green with envy, she is definitely someone you would want to share a closet with. Her son was diagnosed with autism in 2011 and has since made it her life’s mission to make him, as well as her family, as healthy as possible. She shares gluten free recipes and even has a segment called “A Healthier Way to Live” highlighting organic and natural products. In 2011 Lisa started her own company with her sister-in-law called Sisters Marie and shortly after Because I Shop Too Much was launched. Because I Shop Too Much is an online market place where you can buy, sell, and swap you clothing and accessories with other men and women across the US. The girls expanded in 2013 launching a sister site called Because They Grow Too Fast which is the same concept but for your gently used children’s clothing and accessories.

Here are Lisa’s words on Motherhood:

I have been a mom for almost 6 years now and have 2 children. My son is 5 and my daughter just turned 3 years old. I love these ages! Both are potty trained (both day and night) and they say the funniest things ever! My favorite time of the day is mid-afternoon when we just play. I love how they see the world. I guess I love seeing the world through their eyes.

Becoming a mother for the first time was overwhelming in the most amazing way. There are so many books about what to anticipate while pregnant and you feel ready until your baby arrives. I remember the same day my son was born the nurse walked out of the room, my husband had just went home to change, and I was alone with him. Alone!!! Wait, do they come with a manual? lol

You have what I can only describe as one of the hardest and most amazing days in your life and then your entire world has changed forever. It’s scary in the best way possible. I knew I wanted to have a second child hours after having my first. It’s such an epic moment in your life and I wanted to do that again and again. Or at least I did.

I have learned to expect the unexpected so far being a parent. Going somewhere? Plan to start getting ready an hour earlier then you think you need to because everything will not go as expected. Made plans? Too bad! Someone needs a nap or is sick or is not in the mood. I am very type A and like to be prepared for anything and everything in both my family and professional life. Being a parent has taught me to let go of control a bit. I can’t control everything. (oh the horror!)

I have also learned that things are not always black and white. When my son was diagnosed with autism, it was low on the spectrum. At that point I could have accepted it. It is what it is, right? NOPE! I chose not to accept what they said he can and can’t and will and won’t do. Maybe it was denial, maybe it was me not wanting that diagnosis for my son. Either way, we went down a bio medical path and 2 years after he only had 3 real words and no eye contact he has been mainstreamed. He has back and forth conversations, and tests at a third grade level for math and reading. This was not the diagnosis we were given.

My daughter also showed delays in speech and developmentally. Again, we got her in the therapies (speech and developmental) and now she is thriving. You wouldn’t even know she was considered delayed at one point. Things are not always what they seem. See, not black and white at all!

My favorite thing about being a mom is watching my kids grow up. They are the most amazing beings I have even known. They are smart, funny, compassionate, sweet, empathetic, silly, performers, entertainers, have great imaginations, and are little love bugs. I love that I am able to work from home and spend my days with my two children. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for them. I really am such a lucky person to have them in my life!

A piece of advice for other moms would be to follow your gut. That has never steered me wrong. Disagree with a doctor? Do some research. Disagree with a teacher? Make some calls. Think something is wrong? Have it checked out. You know best. You carried this being inside you, you know all the cries, what each one means, you really do know what is best. Trust that and follow that always!

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4 Comments on Motivating Mother – Lisa Fergus

  1. Me And My Mini Me
    February 19, 2014 at 1:19 am (11 years ago)

    I love reading these posts and also her outfit is so fab!

  2. Jessica
    February 19, 2014 at 12:20 am (11 years ago)

    Love the names “Because I Shop Too Much” and “Because They Grow Too Fast”! Very clever!

  3. Jaime @ Slightly Steady
    February 18, 2014 at 10:56 pm (11 years ago)

    I love, love, LOVE her outfit! I can’t get over it. I would never think to mix stripes with plaid but the result is ADORABLE! I look up to these entrepreneurial moms so much – I can’t fathom how they do it all! Good for her!

  4. Jennifer
    February 18, 2014 at 8:45 pm (11 years ago)

    These really are great words of wisdom – if nothing else, motherhood has taught me to trust my gut and go with the punches. I just wish I could go along with her “plan to get there an hour early”…I’m REALLY bad about being late since I had kids! LOL


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