It is such a privilege to hear from a beautiful friend of mine that is a wife and mother of three cute kids {one being a true miracle baby} for our Motivating Mother Moment! Melanie Day’s story of courage and faith has not only inspired me, but has inspired everyone that knows her or has gotten to know her through Social Media, as she shares her story of fighting breast cancer. I have never met anyone so positive in my life. With each trial and bump that comes her way, she finds a way to put a smile on everyone’s face.
Melanie was raised in Washington, D.C. and Irvine, California. She attended UCLA out of high school and played on their 1999 Elite Eight basketball team. After her junior year, she spent 18 months as a missionary in Lisbon, Portugal. Melanie finished her undergrad at BYU, and participated on the 2002 Sweet Sixteen basketball team. After coaching a few years at UNLV, Melanie met her husband, Preston, and they soon began their family. After their first child, Allison, was born, they moved to Idaho for Preston to attend law school. Marley, their second child, came just 18 months after Allison. During her third pregnancy, Melanie was diagnosed with breast cancer. Miraculously, Fletcher was born without complications, although he endured months of chemotherapy while in the womb. Fletcher is now a healthy two-month old and Melanie continues her fight as she undergoes radiation and chemotherapy.
It is my honor to introduce you to Melanie Day. These are her thoughts on motherhood:

My name is Melanie. I am a mother of three children, all under 4 years old. I became a mother in October 2010. The first two months of my first child’s life were honestly the most tiring and miserable of mine. Breastfeeding was so hard. Getting my daughter to latch consistently and correctly was difficult. I stayed up all night with her and was therefore delirious during the day. Nursing was extremely painful at times. I didn’t realize there were ways to make things more comfortable for me. By my second pregnancy, we purchased a comfortable couch for me to nurse on, as well as a My Brest Friend. I asked for help from a lactation consultant and watched Simply Breastfeeding, an informative DVD that made nursing so much easier. I did actually enjoy breastfeeding once I got past the first couple months. I exclusively breastfed my first two children for a year each. With my third child, I was only able to nurse him for a couple weeks because of my chemotherapy treatments and now I am exclusively formula feeding him. Nursing was much easier and cheaper!!
As a mother, I have learned that children are so forgiving. They are quick to forget that I just yelled at them. I have learned to be patient. No matter how long it takes my toddler to put her clothes on, I am learning to relinquish control and let her do things on her own. I have learned to roll with the punches and the messes. I like to keep things clean and organized, but with kids, this is impossible. I am learning to let go and let my kids make a mess, because that’s what kids do.
Most importantly, my children have shown me a new level of happiness. Sometimes it feels like I am going to explode with happiness. There are not too many things better in life than watching my daughters interact and giggle together. I always want to capture those moments, hoping they would last longer.
If I could give one piece of advice to other moms it would be to not sweat the small things. I have only been a mother for less than 4 years, so I feel like I know nothing. But the perspective I have gained from this past year of cancer treatments has helped me to try to appreciate each moment I have with my children. For me to enjoy the moment, I have to let go of frustration or trying to control each situation to perfection. I can’t worry about little things that don’t matter in the long run. Now, more often than not, I find myself just sitting with my kids. Holding them. Snuggling them. Just simply being with them. And that gives me all the joy that I need.
If you are interested in reading about Melanie’s journey of fighting breast cancer, click here.
Don’t forget to share her inspiring story –
Lisa Jones
March 14, 2014 at 12:28 am (11 years ago)What A Heartwarming Story!
kareen liez
March 13, 2014 at 6:44 pm (11 years ago)Very inspiring. I also know someone who has breast cancer but she doesn’t have kids. Thanks for sharing to us her story.