Motivating Mother - Sloan Hadfield | Today's the Best Day

Motivating Mother – Sloan Hadfield

It is time for another Motivating Mother Moment! Today we get the honor and privilege of hearing from a beautiful friend of mine. When I say beautiful, I mean beautiful INSIDE and OUT! I have watched her become a mom of three little angels and admire how much she truly LOVES her children.


Sloan Hadfield is a native to Las Vegas. She graduated from Eldorado High School and is a graduate of BYU-I. In 2005 Sloan was crowned Miss Nevada USA and Miss Congeniality. After her reign as Miss Nevada, she married the love of her life, Zane, in the Las Vegas Temple. Sloan has always had a passion for fashion and beauty, and has been involved in almost every aspect of the industry, including; modeling, fashion shows, marketing and print ads, as well as make-up and beauty consults to prom queens, brides, soccer moms, and even some celebrities. She was recently picked to be the face of a new cosmetic line, which has involved several commercial shoots, beauty campaigns, and she has even made a few appearances on Television. Sloan has a passion for helping women feel confident and look beautiful. She has also had many opportunities to serve in the LDS church and is very proud of her church membership. Sloan is now a mother of three children; Gavin (5), Reese (4), and little Hunter who is only 7 months old. Being a mother is her greatest joy and achievement in her life.

This is what Sloan has written for all of you moms out there! I love EVERYTHING she said and I hope these words inspire you, like they have inspired me!

I am a mother of three. I have been a mom for 6 years now and LOVE IT. My husband and I were married for almost 2 1/2 years before we had our first and though we had some really fun times, we often talk about how our life together truly didn’t start until we had our first. We jokingly say, “why did we wait two in a half years to start having babies!”

Becoming a mom was the most tender, amazing experience I have EVER HAD! Knowing that I would raise a son and he would be my little angel. It truly was amazing. It’s crazy because as I think back, I had never been a mom and he had never been a son. We both had to learn new things and grow, and we were going to be able to do it together. I have learned so much throughout motherhood. Oh I have learned so much!!! I feel as though the more I have, and the older I get, the wiser I get too! These precious babies are born and we are privileged to be able to be their parents. I never knew I could love them as much as I do. Then I thought, I will never be able to love my second child as much as I do my first. Oh let me tell you, it is possible. The love I have for all three is beautiful beyond measure. I have learned patience and serenity. I have learned to enjoy the peace they bring to me when I hold them. Life is so fast paced now a days. Stop and look at them and hug them and love them. I have learned to slow down and listen, and to be “present” with them and trust me it’s not always easy. But it will be so worth it when they know that mom was there for them and loved them.

My favorite thing about being a mom is knowing that these angels are mine. They are under my care, and my watch. I love that I get to make new traditions with them and carry on old traditions that I grew up with. It’s so awesome to think that I AM THE MOM. I LOVE that they truly love me. We have a bond like none other. When they are sad, they want me, when they are happy, they want me. Heck, even when they are mad they still want ME!! I love that I am loved by them and I am needed. It’s such an amazing feeling.

If I could give some advice it would be to truly TRULY show your children that you love them. Physically give them hugs and kisses and read to them and be with them. This is easier when they are tiny, but as they grow and go to school and start being more independent, you really need to make sure they know you love them. One word I try to remember everyday. Consistent. Be consistent. Whatever you plan on doing as a mother just do it consistently. Yes, harder than you think, but honestly if you can be consistent and show them love, then they are going to be happy. When I think of my grandmother (actually my hubby’s grandmother) I look at her children and her, and I think what did she do to have such strong relationships with her kids? So I asked her one time what her secret was. Her answer……. “LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM.” I have really taken that to heart.

Trust me, it’s not easy being a mom. And children are going to act up. Children are going to be naughty. But if we can discipline them with love and let them know without a doubt that their momma loves them, then I think we will achieve great things with them.

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