I came across Lindsay’s blog a few months ago and was attracted to her amazing pictures and zest for life! I love her love for her husband and her darling baby boy. Her photography is beautiful to look at her, her healthy treats are delicious to taste and her stories of life are fun and exciting. Today I am so grateful that she is our Motivating Mother! These are her thoughts and words on motherhood:

My husband and I were blessed with our first child, Wesley, in May of 2013. Even though he has only been here for six short months, I can’t remember what life was like before him. He adds to the love my husband and I have for each other and he makes us feel complete. He brings so much love to our family. Looking back to the first month, I realize that life was truly sacred and perfect. It was a period where the heavens were open and we felt so many raw emotions that were pure and special.
I love sharing my days with my sweet boy and being able to teach him about the world. I love that he can brighten any bad moment with one smile. He helps me to take things lightly and softens my mood. I love seeing the world through his eyes and I love watching him learn and grow.
A huge thing I have learned in my short time of being a mom is that I know what is best for him. Being a mama to Wes has always felt natural to me. But in the beginning I felt a little awkward around experienced mothers. Almost like I didn’t know anything because I was new at this. With time I became comfortable and confident that I knew what I was doing. I started to trust myself. Of course there have been times of trial and feeling like I have no clue what to do, but when I listen to myself I never go wrong. Anyone and everyone will tell you what is best for your child and even if their intent is pure, there is no one else that knows your child’s needs better than you. It’s easy to see or hear what others are doing and second guess your choices. I have done this and it only confused me. Trust yourself and always go with your mama instinct.
Motherhood is an extra ordinary experience. It brings out parts of me that I never knew existed, including parts I’d rather not see. But with that comes more empathy and understanding. I give of myself when there is literally nothing left. Everyday I experience the unconditional love my son offers and it has changed the way I love others. My heart will never be the same again. If there is any advice I give to a new momma it would be to simply enjoy your baby. Enjoy him every minute of everyday. The minute you treat your child as a burden, he will become one. When Wes was a few days old I sobbed at the fact that this was already going so fast. I realized then that it was up to me how I spent our days. I could count the days passing or I could make the most of each day with him. Motherhood is tiring and it’s definitely hard, but you can enjoy your child during those parts too. I spent every minute with him in his newborn phase. We laid in bed a lot and took walks and life slowed down. I have stopped flowing with the pace the world travels at and now I let Wes lead me. We give him our time, focus, kisses, smiles and all of our extra energy. We hold him and spoil him with attention. And we include him in what we are doing. It makes watching him grow up not so sad. You can focus on all of the things you aren’t getting done, how much sleep you’ve lost and how tall the laundry pile is or you can embrace the messy and enjoy the ride. After all, when the day is done, the only thing we really have to keep are each other and memories. Let the things that really don’t matter wait. You will never get these moments again.
Photo credit to reevesvisuals.com.