My Greatest Unexpected Journey | Today's the Best Day

My Greatest Unexpected Journey

Hi, Besties, I’m Karley. I’m a wife, mom, and a nail tech. And for some reason I didn’t think my life was busy enough so, I also run a little children’s clothing boutique called Little Bit of Haven. But guess what? I LOVE every single second of it! And not just like saying I love it to say it, like I 110% love each and every bit of being a wife, mom, and owner of two small businesses.


What is your journey right now? We all have one and a very different one at that! Mine is being a mom! I have the sweetest little girl and she was also very unexpected.

When I found out I was pregnant I was terrified! I was like, “I don’t know how to do that? My husband is still in school. What are we going to do?”

My husband and my mom both got phone calls of me balling scared tears telling them I was pregnant. & guess what…They both handled it 10x better than I did. I could hear my husband’s voice kind of shake and say, “its okay we will make it through it and be okay.’

My mom was too cute. I asked “what do I do?” And she said, “Well nothing really.” She then showed up with some things she had already bought for our house. And her & my dad just sat and talked to me and made me feel okay.

Photo from pexels.com

Fast forward 9 months and we had a baby girl! She was perfect in every single way and my love for her over 9 months grew and grew and grew. Gosh who knew love could feel this strong and amazing!? I LOVED becoming a mom. I love getting to hold that tiny human all day long and take care of her and have her rely on me!

I am a lucky one, surrounded with incredible family and friends that offered help & support anytime I needed it, but I truly just loved it all & enjoyed getting to soak it in every single day.

Here are the things though. Everything wasn’t perfect – because really is there such a thing as perfect? Some days I felt really tired, other days breastfeeding wasn’t easy for me, my house wasn’t ever as clean as I used to keep it, but at the end of the day those are a few tiny things that couldn’t mask the joy of being a mom.

That’s the hard and sad thing about social media in my opinion today. There is a lot of negativity about being a stay at home mom or a working mom or just a mom in general. Guys it’s hard, ALL GOOD THINGS ARE. I feel like so many people take a bad moment in one day or a bad day and milk it. EVERYBODY has hard days, that’s life.

I see so many posts on Facebook about those people who sat down one night after a bad day and write long Facebook post with a picture of an exhausted mom & want everyone to believe or feel the same. I get it, I promise I do, some days I feel more run down than ever, but I love this wonderful life.

I love waking up at 7AM to the brightest smiling face in the world compared to sleeping till 9 or 9.30, I love doing my hair while she sits in the sink and plays or while climbing up my leg, I love grocery shopping with my little one or even waiting till 9 or 10PM when she is in bed.

I love this life. I am proud of it, ALL OF IT. We all should be proud of it, we work hard at it every day and if we have a bad day of a day full of defeat we get to wake up every day and start fresh and create something new, different memories, & something wonderful all over again.

So, take these moments-the good, the bad, the great, and the hard and be proud of every single part of it.

Forget the judgement please & don’t be the judge. Something my mom ALWAYS says that sticks with me is “We are all doing the best we know how in that very moment.” And we are. We are all in this together. We can’t tell each other how to parent our kids because we are all trying and the great things about kids is, they will love us no matter what because they know we are trying. They can see it; they are so much smarter than we give credit for. They love YOU for who YOU are. You will always be their mama so remember that and embrace every bit of it!

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