It's Not Easy Being A Mom | Today's the Best Day

It’s Not Easy Being A Mom

It’s not easy being a blogger.

Did you know everyday when bloggers write an article and publish it out into the Internet, it has potential to reach 3 BILLION people. According to Internet Live Stats, in 2016 there have been that many internet users in the entire world! SO crazy!

Putting yourself out there is NOT easy. There are going to be the lovers and there will definitely be the haters. In fact, my FAVORITE thing about having a website, is hearing from other women! I love hearing your stories, your trials, your kind thoughts and getting to know each of you individually. If I have learned anything – I have learned that EVERYONE is different.

Each of us have our own individual trials. And life can be hard for every single one of us. And when I mean hard, I mean really hard.

I recently heard from a young mom of four. She was so kind about an article that I had recently written and she made me feel so good! But suddenly everything changed. Her praises turned into criticism. And her positive thoughts became negative. She then continued and explained how much harder her life was, than mine. With four children of her own, she was more experienced in the “Motherhood” role than I, and in her eyes, I had it much easier than her.

And then she stated, “It’s not easy being ME.”

My immediate reaction was to “not care” and brush it off. BUT I am a girl and I have feelings. Often times when I say, “I’m so over it. I don’t even care.” it means the COMPLETE opposite. That really I am not over it and it is nagging at me. It started to hurt and then I realized…

She was right. It’s not easy being her.


Photo by Brittany Busk Photography 

No matter how old or young you are. No matter how many children you have. No matter where you live, how much money you have or what your talents are… being a mom is hard.

In reply to this woman, I say the following:

To the woman who wants to be a mom, but for some reason isn’t able to be one right now: It’s not easy being you. Praying and hoping for your miracle is one of the most emotional times in life. To see everyone have something, you would do pretty much ANYTHING for – is devastating. To have something constantly on your mind and not knowing why you aren’t able to have a child of your own is completely heartbreaking. It is truly physically, emotionally and mentally draining. YOU don’t have it easy.

To the pregnant mom who is uncomfortable, sick, constantly nauseas, gaining weight and emotional: It’s not easy being you. Spending your day in the bathroom, struggling to find clothes that fit and constantly worrying about the little baby inside of you that you have never even met – can be miserable. Craving the strangest foods, but gagging at the very sight or smell of your old favorite meal is frustrating. Tossing and turning every night and trying to “get your rest before the baby comes” feels impossible. YOU don’t have it easy.

To the new mom who is living off of one hour of sleep today, because your baby just DOESN’T sleep: It’s not easy being you. Waking up every hour, trying to rock the baby patiently back to sleep as you close your eyes and nursing or bottle feeding as you just dream of the day you could sleep for a four hour period without interruptions, is exhausting.   Begging for your husband, your mom, your friend, ANYONE to come take a “turn” so you can sleep for just a few hours and then having to pick yourself up in the morning like nothing ever happened the whole night…YOU don’t have it easy.

To the mom who has one child, and may only have one child your whole life: It’s not easy being you. Whether one is all you would like or you are unable to have any more because of your physical needs, having one child a challenge. Devoting your whole heart and soul into this miracle of yours and wanting them to become the best they can be, while teaching them numbers, shapes, letters, songs, sports and social skills is a lot of work! YOU are a mom and YOU don’t have it easy.

To the mom who has several children and maybe even another on the way: It’s not easy being you. I may not know this from experience, but my sister has five children and I talk to her almost everyday. Not only are you a mom – you are multi-tasking QUEEN. Driving children here and there, friends coming in and out of your house for playdates constantly, helping with homework, playing with the littles, feeding the baby all while making dinner, packing lunches and giving each individual child your attention… YOU don’t have it easy.

To the mom who is able to stay at home with your children: It’s not easy being you. As much of a blessing it is to have the opportunity to spend so much time at home and be in their lives, house-life can be chaotic. Between kissing boo-boos, wiping tears, potty training, story time, homework helping, play time and days where you just hope to survive – YOU don’t have it easy.

To the mom who goes to work everyday, providing for your family: It’s not easy being you. Working all day and then coming home to family is a LOT of work. How do you do it?! Getting off a 9-hour shift and having to make dinner, bathe the babies and get them in bed – and then having to wake up early to go back to work the next day… you are a busy woman! Providing for your family is a lot of pressure and you are doing what is best for your family. YOU don’t have it easy.

To the mom who is tired. To the mom who is overwhelmed. To the mom who tries her best every day. To the mom who fakes a smile. To the mom who pushes through everyday…. YOU don’t have it easy.

It’s not easy for any of us.

I hope we can be more loving. I hope we can be less judgmental. I hope we can show more kindness. I hope we can be more supportive. Because at the end of the day – It’s not easy being me. And it’s not easy being YOU either.

What would you do if you were told that your life was easy and you knew that wasn’t true? I would love to hear from you! 

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8 Comments on It’s Not Easy Being A Mom

  1. Mylee
    November 5, 2016 at 4:28 pm (8 years ago)

    I love this post! It reminded me of a time my girlfriends and I comparing who had the worse in-law over dinner. 🙂 (Disclaimer: I really do love my in-laws.) By the end of the night we realized that no one had the worst, all of our in-laws were different, we all were just experiencing different situations but most importantly we were thankful that we had each other for support.

  2. Alissa
    October 18, 2016 at 8:36 pm (8 years ago)

    Sometimes this is the hardest part about Pinterest and other social media platforms! We can look so put together online or in public, but at home behind closed doors is where the real chaos lurks. I have 5 kids ranging from 8-1 and life is crazy quite often. As much as I love the praise of looking like I have it all together, it puts pressure on me to maintain that composed look. As moms and women, we need to just accept each other. We have no clue whether someone is having a good day or not. Life challenges are not equalled by the number of children we do or don’t have. Everyone has hard times, some people’s hard times are just more easily seen than others.

  3. Kandace
    October 18, 2016 at 1:14 pm (8 years ago)

    I seriously love this! I am sitting here trying to get a newborn back to sleep so I can frost cupcakes for my daughters class and then finish getting ready for work and getting my daughter and son ready for school. It’s so hard and tiring. It’s definitely not easy! But neither were the days of having 1 child and trying to be a good stay at home mom. I think you responded perfectly 🙂

  4. Mom of two
    October 18, 2016 at 3:20 am (8 years ago)

    Best post ever. People always want to compare lives not truly knowing what another is going through. I live each day knowing that no matter the situation I’m so blessed. I admire you putting your story out there. I have two wonderful children who drive me crazy as a working mom, and my best friend has two that drive her crazy as a stay at home mom, but we wouldn’t have it any other way and we live vicariously through each other lol! I wish that as women we would build each other up more. None of our jobs is easy but we do it so well!

  5. Waynna
    October 18, 2016 at 3:01 am (8 years ago)

    The single mom 😭😭😭

  6. Brittany
    October 17, 2016 at 10:17 pm (8 years ago)

    This is a great response because it looks at all sides of motherhood. I don’t think I could’ve said it any better. I might mention to her what a compliment it is that she thinks my life is so much easier than hers…

  7. Kristine
    October 17, 2016 at 8:19 pm (8 years ago)

    Perfect reply:)💗

  8. Elizabeth
    October 17, 2016 at 6:24 pm (8 years ago)

    For a lot of the reasons you have listed, I’m scared to be a mom. Is it a bad thing to not want them?


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